
Oh, yes, I love when they’re like, “I am all for women as actors/musicians/politicians/whatever,” and you say “What about X?” and they are like, “Well, no, not her.” And you list 2000 other women, and somehow none measure up for him. But that anonymous, non-human imaginary woman that doesn’t exist yet? Oh, he loves

Headlines: "Ride or Die Chick Rides with Deadly Apparatchik!" and "Model and Mommy Marries Malevolent Mummy!"

Is it really that hard for people to understand that for many, it is basically their husband voting twice?

But you have to figure who are these Republican women?

I know, this paragraph just killed me:

Dan Savage came on a few minutes after they played this interview (he was on to talk about the anti-gay laws in NC and Georgia) and the first words out of his mouth were that he was voting Democrat (Sanders or Clinton) regardless because the Republicans were just evil. He seemed pretty pissed off by Sarandon’s

This is because you have bought into Republican talking points that have been going on since the 90s. So, you are a rube of the Republican party, whatever your claims to progressive movements are.

she is more hawkish than sanders because as a female politician undoubtedly aiming to be POTUS (yes even just as a senator), she has had to overcompensate for the stereotypical weaknesses of women. if she had just started out in today’s climate, she might not need to be so hawkish, but that’s only true because anyone

This needs more stars!

I really dislike the Bernie/Trump comparissons, but one way they are similar is that they are propelled by a populist movement. The villain in each movement is different (rich people and corporations vs minorities and immigrants), but the general sentiment is Fuck This Shit.

If Trump becomes

Hi, hello person who told me yesterday that no real Bernie supporters would consider voting for Trump. How are you?

Seriously thank you for saying that. This whole pure white dove shit about Bernie is bat shit. You can’t be in politics and be a pure white dove.

I think she’s wrong for a completely different reason.

Bernie doesn’t have any ego in this thing?Please. You couldn’t be a politician if you weren’t operating profoundly from the ego.

“Shell company?" You know nothing about how this works, huh? Spend five mins looking up joint fundraising committees with the FEC and come back to us.

I hope all your children turn out gay.

That’s not what they asked you.

Thankfully, being a piece of shit isn’t a protected class.

They’re certainly welcome to do so. The moment “Asshole” becomes a protected class.

I worked as a psychologist in a residential ED treatment center about 10 years ago, before Obamacare. We were for-profit, but I have no problem saying the care was excellent and clinically sound. No rock climbing.

I honestly think the discourse on mental health has been off the mark for decades in the US. The promise of restoring the self to some kind of wholeness has been the guiding principle of psychiatry and psychology since the 50s. There’s no such thing. We are in the prehistoric stage as far as mental health knowledge is