I’ve seen every episode and am familiar with the cast.
I’ve seen every episode and am familiar with the cast.
There are great statistics on the education of women and better well-being outcomes. All of those scenarios assume a little bit of culturally granted agency. I can’t imagine how education would have helped the these women.
You know, that is interesting. She fucking kills a person, and nobody gives a shit, because they’re too busy falling all over themselves supporting her for coming out transgender.
It’s funny, most of Bernie’s ideas are right in line with mine, but his style of governance and management is what keeps me from wanting him. His ideology is sound, but it’s also immovable and primary in his methods, which is not a good way to govern this country. The point Hillary just made about the 2007 immigration…
OK. So big gun companies shouldn’t be held responsible for the damage caused by the stupidity/naivete that their product and money induces in the public and politicians beholden to them are totally above board...
Consumer liability doesn’t require that there be laws on the books. This isn’t my area of practice, but you can sue because a product is insufficiently safe. If manufacturers know that a bandsaw has a safety flaw that makes it likely to cut of your hand, you can sue them when it cuts your hand off. If Toyota knowingly…
Yup. It matters.
And this is exactly why we need a female president. We need to stop making excuses and get behind Hillary.
And this is exactly why we need a female president.
And this is exactly why we need a female president.
And this is exactly why we need a female president.
Absolutely! And even if we had more liberal male leaders, it’s true that women bring a different perspective. I think the degree to which the three female justices skewered Keller’s half-baked rationale is great evidence of this.
Oh, I can almost guarantee that these 30 students will be voting.
I’d rather kids traveled in cargo. Pets are usually better behaved.
I simply don’t understand this attitude. Airplane seats are designed so that they can recline and passengers can try to sleep on long flights. Yours too. So how does this impact your comfort and personal space? Just recline your own seat. I fly to Asia from NYC regularly and I absolutely recline the seat so I can try…
What has more value? If it was a choice between you or my dog. You’d be completely and royally fucked!
From my experience as a cop many women recant their stories for whatever reason, and I can’t judge that.
Honestly, I think that Trump truly has no political agenda. He changes his mind from one day to the next, and disavows things he said hours earlier. He wants the pomp and the adulation; and simply blows out extreme rhetoric for its own sake.
Except Trump is the leftmost GOP nominee in decades, so it kind of takes the edge off of the narcissistic buffoon dictatorial sociopathy just a bit.
How about the fact Kesha has basically had to give up her career in order not to work with this guy? If nothing happened, she’d be shooting herself in the foot. Look at what this woman has been through and tell me there’s a reason for her actions other than what she claims.