
You’re damn straight it’s a thing. I’m not racist, but I’m sure as hell religionist.

I’m against anyone who thinks they deserve respect for whispering words in their mind and thinking that a fucking MAN/MALE in fucking space or their hearts (or wherever) is actually LISTENING to them and created everything, despite

My fucking monitor is a complete mess.

(Had a formatting failure, so reposting this).

What’s worse is that I believe that women in general judge other women worse than men on their ideas and quality of work if they are in a group including a large number of men. It takes great leadership to make sure that this doesn’t happen and is not encouraged.

It goes farther than that, I think. Not only are young women subordinating their voices to their male peers, I think they’re still trying to appease their male peers with their bodies without understanding that having to appease, impress and please men at all to be “liked” or “approved” is an expression of society’s

I look around my office (not academia but a legal job) and I see this issue over and over and over again. At the junior associate (entry) level, we are almost exactly 50% women attorneys. For people who are 10+ years into their career, and it’s maybe 20% women attorneys. The successful men have 2-4 kids and spouses

But hey, don’t forget to vote Sanders in yr primary, since all that 2nd wave feminism is bullshit now.

honestly WHAT ARE THE CHANCES they finally found another use for this wig

I hate to say it, but do you think maybe he was right? Because a LOT of people really want President Cruz or Trump. It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s nice to have a fail-safe in case the population suddenly becomes suicidally stupid.

Sanders is a GD nightmare. He’s a losing proposition all the way around and I’m astounded that he’s even a factor. Democrats can be so damn stupid.

“There is no such thing. Quote one.”

Hi. I’m from South Africa.

Hence it being borderline. Is the article potentially damaging to the reputations of the young women involved? Yes. Does the article lead the reader to draw false conclusions, or effectively make false statements? Yes.

Either the writer was lazy or overworked, but the article should either be edited immediately or

You really don’t understand why your “Maybe they are racist, maybe they aren’t” attitude is pissing people off? It’d be like someone being accused of being a pedophile based on a mistake, then that person being completely vindicated by irrefutable evidence, and then you come along and say “Well I don’t know, this

I think she already covered that - nasty and dismissive WITHIN the text of the article:

Avoiding a racist mix-up by skipping dark paint altogether would’ve been another cool option.

This article is nothing short of abominable. Publicly shaming these women using the most misleading headline you can find. Why don't you publish the other photo instead of just that one? The one that clearly shows purple glitter paint? Because they contradict your headline that they "claimed" it was purple-face they

That’s true. But it doesn’t change the fact that Bernie’s and Hillary’s voting records line up exactly something like 97% of the time, and that their policy disagreements are almost always ones of very small degrees.

Is that why young feminists also reject Obama?

She’s wrong, but not as wrong as she sounds. When she says women radicalize, it’s because when they’re younger they don’t get the full brunt of sexism’s force. You get bonuses for being young, fuckable, available. Once your last fuckable day comes and goes? Good fucking luck holding on to anything: you’d better be