
For what it’s worth I am married to a service member. He does everything he can for his guys and does not sit around and complain about how “useless” they are or were. Sure there are plenty of people who aren’t fit for military service but the way you frame it sounds so condescending. Also if they were already in your

IMO, if there were truly a situation that *truly* merited a draft, there would be plenty of volunteers who would be infinitely better off without anyone who didn’t WANT to be there.

I put the bar for where I regard a “draft” to be MAYBE reasonable, ridiculously high. I’m talking boots on the ground D-Day landing on

sorry but bullshit.

the draft is slavery. nothing less.
if its needed, it won’t BE needed. people won’t have to be forced by registry or law to join, if its really needed.

I would have no reluctance to dodge the draft, or encourage others to do so, as it is pretty much the most unamerican, and destructive to american

I think the problem people are having with your story is that it reads like you are equating your father’s experiences (he sounds like an amazing individual) with those of people who were forced to travel to the other side of the world and kill people. Unfortunately, many weren’t as respected or educated as your

I believe that the right to refuse to serve is a fundamental human right.

He was neither “effectively” or actually drafted.

You are forgetting f) The defense was not allowed to bring in any alternative possibilities (third party liability) as murder suspects by the judge. Instead, they were forced to argue that the cops on the case were actively trying to frame Avery.

DING, DING, DING! You nailed it. The whole point to this exercise is to point out the incredible, overwhelming power the state being the investigator and prosecutor in in legal matters. I wouldn’t hang my worst enemy on this kind of “evidence.”

And this is the mentality that corrupt/vigilante police officers use when doing reprehensible/illegal things. “He probably did a million other things to deserve it, therefore what I’m doing to him now is justified”. People who view the world in black and white are often also the most ignorant.

He requested that she come out to photograph a car he planned on selling in AutoTrader because she was the ONLY AUTOTRADER PHOTOGRAPHER IN THE COUNTY.

Not only that, but there’s also evidence that SA was NOT the last person the see TH alive.

There’s a bunch of stuff not in the doc, but yeah, who knows.

And cleaning up all trace evidence except for some token pieces found by the same sheriff dept that miscarried justice with the rape arrest and conviction, was being sued by him, and weren’t supposed to be involved in the investigation.

I think the guy is innocent but I know he got railroaded. All these idiots running on about dead cats need to be in jail with him.

There’s a professional Lawyer, who specializes in freeing people accused of crimes they did not commit, that is convinced that he is innocent. Anyone rational indeed, would see at the very least this this trial was completely lopsided. The guy was guilty before proven innocent once before, it’s not impossible that

I haven’t really heard anyone saying that he’s innocent because he’d never hurt a fly or that he’s the sweetest guy in the world and they want to go on dates with him or something. What I have heard is people saying he’s innocent because a)the prosecution did not come anywhere near close to proving their case beyond a

He called for the lady who takes the car pictures. Teresa was only photog in the area. He called the office not her cell.

Agreed. What he did in his past, which has zero connection to the Halbach case, shouldn’t incriminate him. To entertain the idea is absurd.

laughed? don’t remember that bit. I know a LOT of people would probably disagree with me, but a cat isn’t the same as a human being plus it doesn’t mean he’s evil and murdered Teresa.

I don’t think anyone is actually unaware that outdoor bicycling exists. That just has nothing to do with this article or the lawsuit.