
Does someone really need to explain the invisible teapot/invisible weightless unicorn concept to you, dude? Because you literally said in one of your posts “I’ll always be right because you can’t prove a negative” and it's truly amazing to me how you think that concept means the opposite of what it actually means.

Honestly, if you continue to claim that multiple people are missing or ignoring your point, maybe you're not very good at making your point.

I actually think that I didn’t just jump on the student thing. I fully acknowledged your argument, which is that you find it unseemly for people of disparate positions of power to be fucking each other. I disagree with your moral stance generally, I find it to be a very patronizing form of “feminism” that honestly

Sure, because the applicable legislature passed a specific law criminalizing student/teacher relations due to a perceived power disparity that makes such relations seem morally wrong. And that is a value judgment made by such legislature, and one with which reasonable people can disagree. It’s also a pretty narrow

Except that extramarital fucking does not make someone more likely to be a rapist, that’s a crazy assertion. Almost as crazy as your follow up insinuations about sex “in the days before sexual consent was well known or understood”. That would literally apply to every man engaging in any sexual activity in the 50s, 60s

I dunno about the son, since he was born to US citizens, but maybe it makes Trump an anchor husband?

Everybody's entitled to their own fantasies. Women policing other women's sex drives is unbecoming of a feminist. Grow up.

Okay, I’m sure I’ll catch a lot of shit for saying this, and I honestly don’t mean to trivialize the harrowing crime of rape or the victims who went through it, but I feel like there’s... I don’t know, a difference. Like, the female sexual fantasy of a certain kind of forced sex exists in a very fantasy-esque manner.

On that I agree with you. I think most people have come around and it’s not as dire as the media makes it out to be. But to be fair, that Bernie or Bust crowd exists, and they were disruptive and disrespectful enough to be called out on it. Former Sanders supporters who are not a part of the Bernie or Bust crew are

Do you ever think that the Bernie or Bust crowd (and the people trying to defend them) antagonizes Hillary supporters? I get that Hillary supporters are fortunate enough to have their preferred nominee, so their anger has no bearing on whether or not they'll go out to vote, but you're talking about internet conflicts,

You forgot that Republicans have Congress right now; if that sticks after this election, there's no obstructionist Congress. You'll have a Republican executive office and a Republican legislature, and they will have the power to have their choice of SCOTUS nominee. So literally every branch of our government will be

The fuck you talking about?

Why in the fuck would any Republican have voted for Bernie? I understand choosing not to vote instead of voting Trump, but what about Bernie, a self proclaimed socialist, would have prevailed on anyone who has conservative economic or social views to vote for him? By any stretch of logic, if Hillary is this neocon

Except no, they would nominate justices with the ideological mindset of Ted Cruz. Merrick is too liberal for them. He’s just their best case scenario when the Democrats are in power.

Every liberal I knew voted Bernie, and were utterly shocked that Clinton won the primary because every liberal they knew also voted Bernie. You should be worried about a Trump presidency because of all the conservatives you don’t know.

I actually agree with this. As a woman who fucking hates sports and finds it to be a very banal form of entertainment, it would piss me off so much that sports is seen as this neutral “everyone can enjoy it!” thing. From the job interviews where all some white haired dudebro wanted to talk about was last night’s

But that's a pretty rare occurrence. (Rare in the sense that it's almost never that visible, not rare in the sense that shit like this still happens too often). The way you're describing it, that sounds like a slam dunk Title VII lawsuit.

I mean, I can definitely see how something like that could be upsetting or ego bruising, but I just don’t think that’s how it actually works. People hire people for a number of factors, which may include any combination of their experience, education, past successes, general personality traits, or, frankly, the

You think it’s a gender thing? Because I disagree. If there’s anything Justine Sacco’s downfall showed us, it’s that the social media shame machine doesn’t discriminate on the basis of gender. And of course racism at the age of 14 is deplorable for any person. And you can tell a 14 year old racist that they are

What’s the alternative you’re advocating for? Like, what’s supposed to happen after this theoretical age limit for racism that’s an alternative to shrugging it off as young and dumb? Any person, despite their age, is capable of recognizing the evils of their former points of view, and moving forward as a better human