
That's a cheap shot, bro. Penn State is ranked in the top 50 by US World and News. I'm not saying it's Harvard, but I think its graduates can count to three. No need to impugn the education of hundreds of thousands of students. Full disclosure: I'm a Penn State grad and I fucking hate football.

It's also scary because it makes you wonder, what other women currently big on Fox News were on the receiving end of this, and what did they have to do? Like, Megyn Kelly...

This is clearly false given the other articles posted on Gawker about that event. I would also add that part of what drives this uneven emotion some people are experiencing is that the police officers were murdered by criminals, while we get countless stories of innocent people being murdered by police officers, whose

I mean, I agree. That’s what I meant by hard case too. I do think the first amendment and our free speech rules (limited as they are) is something we do much better than other Western countries, and I get very wary when people dismiss or want to curb this very clearly good thing we have (sadly lots of those people are

Yeah, it’s a hard case and I wouldn’t be surprised if it ever did find its way to SCOTUS. Because the closest analogue as you said is incitement to violence, but that precedent still arises in a very different type of case. And it’s an extra horrible case because you want to lock away this monster and throw away the

He’s also probably one of the few establishment republicans actually willing to be Trump’s VP, so there's that.

Thanks for saying this. The gleefulness I tend to see in people on Jezebel/Gawker about the prospect of various people they don't like getting their children taken away is nauseating.

No, willful negligence is not a thing. If they knew they were posing a serious threat to the child but continued to act in disregard of that, then the word would be “recklessness”. If they actually desired to kill their child, then their act would be murder, which has the intent element for which a word like “willful”

What is “willful” negligence? Negligence by definition is failure to foresee a risk that a reasonable person should have foreseen. And of course negligence is different from a reasonable mistake, because a reasonable mistake does not make someone at fault. These parents by law would not be guilty for a “reasonable

Pennsylvania gets pretty rural, but to be fair, Bucks County is a fairly populated, affluent suburb right outside of Philadelphia. Good schools, McMansions, that sort of thing.

Actually yes, it is. The whole idea is that one’s actions (good or bad) in the past should not be used to determine whether that person acted consistently with those past actions during the case at hand. If a defendant starts talking about what a good person they are, though, they open the door for the prosecution to

Yes! Exactly this. And this delusional idea that we even have equality in everything else in the first place and this is just the last bastion of inequality that has to fall. Requiring women to register for selective service will put a new burden on women but it won’t actually cause equality in any other area of life

I know you’re a troll, but I’m genuinely curious what bullshit you’ll have to say. Please enlighten me how men take on a disproportionate amount of risk in marriage.

Would it have been okay if Schumer had said “Looking not stereotypically feminine”? Is it controversial for someone to acknowledge that not having a certain look of which men approve makes it harder to succeed for a woman, particularly in the fairly patriarchal realm of comedy? The spirit of her comment was in good

Yeah, imagine if judges regularly used that reasoning to sentence for murder.

This, again and again and again, is why we need women in positions of power. This, again and again and again, is why “identity politics” should not be a dirty word.

Thank you for writing this, because for a while there I thought the pointless Gawker hit piece was all the coverage we were going to get on this.

Baby elephants are basically the cutest creatures in the world. And I say this as a cat person.

That’s a little bit nuts. I just highly doubt there is this epidemic of parents teaching their kids that rape is okay. It also shifts the blame to other people from the piece of shit that actually committed the rape. He gets to sit around the rest of his life absolving himself of all responsibility for his heinous

This is what I’m thinking too. People are so concerned about this because they think it might hurt Clinton, but frankly I think the risk is a lot bigger for Sanders. Their doing this in the first place is demonstrably already seen by a lot of people as a “dick move.” If they spend the whole debate being cordial to