
Yes, this. I prefer to wear dresses because I find them more comfortable and my body type just looks better in dresses than in work pants. I remember the rare occasion where I wore pants and a blouse and my secretary actually commented how surprised she was that I wasn’t wearing a dress. Which actually is another pet

From what I hear, men having kids actually helps their career in academia, while women having kids hurts. So your husband should be okay. Maybe that "don't have kids" admonition is really directed at the women in the program, but just said to everyone to appear neutral? In any event, le sigh.

What’s extra fucked up about it is that job fields that have traditionally slanted female, like teachers and nurses and the like, tend to accept men with arms wide open and even value men more than they do women in those fields, regardless of merit. A friend of mine is a teacher who has had trouble finding a

That's the benefit of being "independent"? Really? What's the benefit of being "Republican" and "Democrat" then? If that was the rule, everybody would be "independent" just for the option of voting in whatever election they want. Hope you can get excited about tea party republicans registered as "independents" casting

Yeah, good luck with that. No one is going to care enough to legislate music industry contracts because (1) our laws are generally very freedom of contract-oriented and both sides are likely to have been represented by attorneys before signing and thus knew what they were getting into and (2) these contracts are

What I mean is, say I work for an organization that refuses to provide contraceptive coverage on religious grounds. The insurance company can't just take my word for it, that's the whole reason the law required these forms from the employers. So if we had the alternative you suggest, then to "vet" me as truly working

Probably because it would be expensive. I like the way you think, but think of the paperwork. It wouldn’t really be a “reasonable accommodation”. It just brings us back to the fundamental issue which is that a reasonable accommodation was already offered; it just wasn’t good enough because they don’t really want an

This is sad that I know this, but I read Holly’s book, and there’s more of a backstory than Holly just saying she was too good for Kendra. They basically had a big falling out that culminated in Kendra leaving a screaming voicemail to Holly about how they were never friends, and Holly just gave up. So I think Holly’s

To be fair, I don’t think anyone except Hef enjoyed the sex stuff, but it’s still low to diminish people for sex they have in general, as long as it’s not hurting anyone. Kendra totally tried to slut-shame Hollie, which is messed up but also kind of ironic considering she was also Hef’s girlfriend (and not even the

Someone like....Jaime Lannister? That's where the books were going, I think, but with the show now, I don't even know. I also always shipped Sansa/The Hound in the books. I loved GRRM's various "bear and maiden fair" pairings. Daenerys/Jorah Mormont, Sansa/Sandor Clegane, Brienne/Jaime.

Not gonna lie, though. I'd go to that mall.

But the government IS entitled to your income. That’s the whole point of being part of a country. If you want to live in the United States, there’s a price for that. You avail yourself of the conveniences and protections inherent in being a country’s citizen, and in exchange for that you give up certain freedoms and a

Yup, which brings me back to my original point. How is a demographic making up 50% of the US population a "narrow demographic"? That's the whole fucking point of ALL of this. Women candidates should not be shying away from issues affecting specifically affecting women. That's the whole point of being represented in

Thanks for stating the obvious, genius. Now explain to me what that has to do with your statement “Women and POC need to appeal to people outside of their narrow demographic to get elected.” Never mind the frankly offensive implication that women and POC are not capable of that.

You're really sticking to the semantics here. First of all, she didn't just go out there and formally announce that she has reserved 50% of her cabinet positions for women. She was asked about it, and she said in response that her cabinet will reflect what America looks like. What did you want her to say? Ironically,

Lol at "narrow demographic." What's the broad demographic? White men?

I see you’ve elaborated, and I disagree with you. It’s frankly ridiculous that a candidate’s commitment to diversity in their cabinet is such a cause for concern to you. Go ahead and disagree with her choices when she makes appointments of unqualified candidates over qualified candidates on the pure basis of sex or

On what basis aren't you certain?

That's a disingenuous concern because at that level, literally every person that Hillary considers will be eminently qualified. She will not be hiring any Sarah Palins, and you know it. So your concern about her not hiring "the most qualified person" basically amounts to a concern that men will not be occupying

I disagree, cooking and cleaning is shit you have to do constantly whereas yard work is something that you do now and then. Inside/outside work is not equal division of chores. Any dude that tries to tell you otherwise is just trying to escape chores. When my SO attempted it, I shut that down quickly.