
I feel your pain. I have an exotic name, but not one that’s hard to read or pronounce. It’s literally just how it’s spelled. But I still had to deal with that shit when I was still in school of people reading my name off a roll call list with a question mark in their tone. Also it pisses me off so much when people

Why didn't he vote for the immigration reform bill? Didn't that bill contain vital provisions too (even if he disagreed with parts of it)?

I think he is manipulating you into agreeing with the central assumption of his argument (that the best candidate is the most socialist candidate). You'll never win that argument because he is right, Hillary is not a socialist. But that's not actually a bad thing.

Yep, people will totally pick up their pitchforks and drag their politicians into the streets, right after they get their morning latte from Starbucks and check out the latest Gawker article on their iPhones. If you think we are at some revolutionary breaking point, then you don't know very much about revolutions.

Does that myth help you sleep at night? Because by that logic, please see Clinton’s explanation on the positive aspects of the crime bill above. Sentencing was a pot-sweetener to court Republican votes. If Bernie is absolved from any responsibility for that bill, then that logic should extend to the Clintons as well.

The Biden that authored the crime bill? The Biden that oversaw the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings and gave Thomas basically the benefit of the doubt? The Warren who was a Republican until 1996? The Warren that inspired the same sexist garbage as Hillary during her run for congress (“unlikeable”, “rehearsed”,

Really? Bill blamed BLM activists for drugs and superpredators in the black community? I think you should go ahead and bring up your hallucinations next time you see your therapist.

I’m obviously missing something here. What’s the issue with that response (granted I’m at work so I couldn’t watch the video or hear the tone)? He was asked about Hillary’s “superpredator” comment, so he obviously went to the crime bill. I mean, that’s not exactly the same thing as Bernie Sanders saying he never grew

No, seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm genuinely baffled.

Dafuq? Why do I need to have compassion for you?

Nope, just assumed you were one of the morons prevalent all over Gawker talking about how they will not vote if Sanders doesn’t get a nomination. Joke’s on me for rushing to judgment, you're a different kind of moron. But explain again how her not caring about a non-citizen’s opinion of US politics is comparable to

Lol, yeah, good point. Bring up disenfranchised people who want to vote in defense of your purely voluntary choice not to vote based on petty sore loser-ism. You really showed her! Oh, wait, no, you didn't.

Is this woman fucking high? Revolution? How do we even give credence to this stuff? How do these people say this stuff with a straight face? Revolutions happen in countries where people are starving, or being hauled away by secret police in the night. They don’t happen in countries where people sip Starbucks coffee

2 people. And I love ballet, it’s a beautiful inspiring art form. But you’re literally listing Misty Copeland. Wasn’t she the first (and perhaps only) black prima ballerina in a major American dance company?

Can I make a “Bernie Sanders is for the birds” joke?

I dunno, I guess our anecdata does differ. She doesn’t make a ton, but I think she makes somewhere in the $60k+ range, rents a place in NJ, travels, goes out to eat. Her biggest problems are shitty helicopter parents, job insecurity due to not having tenure, and probably the money thing too. The time off is definitely

I’m not trying to talk down teachers or anything, but the 9 months thing seems kind of like useless complaining to me. It’s not like the teacher is getting paid less than their salary, it’s that their salary is divided into 9 months, instead of 12 months. It doesn’t take some super crazy amount of diligence to just

Never mind that you are just completely wrong on the science, since homosexuality is immutable, but do you even honestly believe what you are saying? You honestly think that gay people choose to be gay? That they choose to be marginalized and discriminated against by going for the same sex instead of the opposite

You’re an idiot. Nothing stops an interracial couple from walking across the street to another apartment building because the one they want to rent in has a landlord that opposes interracial marriage. An interracial couple also can walk across the street and eat at a different restaurant, and buy a cake at a different

Have you seen the show? Because Dinesh is one of the funniest characters on it and the actor does a great job. To reduce that to “tokenism” is kind of fucked up.