It will fail for the same reason Parler failed, which was because there were no liberals for all of them to fight with.
It will fail for the same reason Parler failed, which was because there were no liberals for all of them to fight with.
100%. AND Breyer isn’t gonna retire. He’s gonna fuck us just like RBG did.
The Court played nice on the culture war stuff because their focus was on attacking democracy.
Media peeps have spent the last couple of months talking about “Wow, look at all this unity coming out of the court, all these unanimous decisions. And here we were thinking it was going to be partisan!”
God made all of us the same
Very good points.
This absolutely rules. She extended a damned ladder.
Thanks for the link!
For those tracking these bills in their state or generally:
That’ll be a hard swing with Republicans in more than half the states voting to make our vote irrelevant.
Realistically the Democrats have to pick up 2 Senate seats in order to get more of Biden’s agenda passed. I say 2 instead of 1, because Krysten fucking Sinema. This obviously will not be easy, but there is a clear path to do it. Ron Johnson (WI) and Pat Toomey (PA) are both defending seats in states that Biden won.…
The problem is that after the next election will be too late. The Dems have the slimmest majority possible, and the GOP has gone beserk with voter suppression to prevent that ever happening again. Without these bills to protect the right to vote, there’s a very good chance this is the last time Dems have the…
I can’t even do that. I click “show pending” and scroll down and still can’t see them. I can see other grey replies, but none under my own posts. Doesn’t matter if I follow the notification link or if I pull up the article the normal way.
We’re not asking much of Joe Manchin. Nobody expects him to wake up tomorrow and push for the Green New Deal and universal healthcare. I would have thought that preventing Republicans from rigging elections to enforce white supremacy for generations to come was a small ask for a guy with the D next to his title. Even…
Unfortunately, this is the case. Ignore him, and focus on finding a majority that doesn’t require his involvement.
“If Manchin can’t be successfully primaried (and of course, for that candidate to get a win), then Democrats need several more Senate seats “
at the macro level, the Democratic National Committee needs to fast track community organizing in all the states up for re-election for senators next year, including the “redder” states— this is time to go for broke— leave no seat unchallenged. They can’t get weak, simping candidates either, who talk in Tea Party/Trump…
And yet if we demand politicians with spine, it’s called a ‘purity test’ and ‘wanting the Republicans to win’...
Yep. Gotta scroll down manually to see my comments, and no matter what I do, can’t see any grey replies I know I have. Very frustrating because some are good comments just languishing unstarred.