
Our biggest fear is, ‘Are they going to choose life?’

We don’t call a wolf lupus.

Edit: posted in the wrong place.

Who the hell is Lorelei?

I’m waiting to see how some sort of monetization or microtransactions end up baked into this thing. There must be some quick cash-grab angle that’s really driving this.

Brady said after snatching the soul of Cowboys owner Jerry Jones’ chest.

Send them to the Fuck Tomb!

I agree with the general sentiment (i.e. retire when it’s likely your successor will espouse the same ideals you claim to hold dear), but would that actually work this time around? McConnell is on record saying he’ll do everything in his power to prevent a Democratic president from appointing another Supreme Court

The last couple weeks of Supreme Court decisions have been so depressing, but hardly unexpected. This was the fucking end game of the GOP’s machinations and they’re only just starting to reap the rewards.

This is the same group of people that start screaming about the “thought police” in response to “pc culture”. Their only play is rampant hypocrisy.

Since we’re on the topic of IMDb, this film is helmed by Coke Daniels...what a name.

I see the point you’re trying to make, but it’s a false equivalency. Nuclear explosions / chemical weapon attacks don’t just spontaneously occur in nature. Emergent viral outbreaks do. We’ve seen this in the past with SARS, MERS, and ebola, just to name a few from recent memory. They didn’t spread globally the way

This is great! Also, hard agree with this statement:

“We’ve benefitted from the offense I’ve cultured, but we’ve been hit on the defensive side of the culture.”

Agree. To avoid double-posting, see my response to Volante3192.

Completely agree. If you know you can’t get anything done legislatively, make the remainder of the time until the midterms about getting more Dems into congress. But now we have all of those additional voter suppression laws on the books. How many more Dems can we realistically vote in? This is what the party

Pretty sure I know the answer to this, but is there any possible way to do an end run around Manchin? The RNC keeps their people pretty-well locked down, but is there anyone vulnerable enough to negotiate with to just cut Manchin out? Teach him that if he won’t play ball, then he might as well stay home.

I’m still trying to figure out if that screed is real, or if it was generated by an AI trained on 8chan posts.

Getting serious Wanted vibes from the trailer’s initial setup.

This looks fun. Plus, the world needs more Harvey Guillén. Secret crossover with What We Do in the Shadows?