
I’m too psyched Schilling didn’t get in to be too screechy about any snubs. The fact that he unquestionably deserves to be in on merit makes it all the more satisfying to me.

Packers. Every single one of them.

Are we talking Joe Flacco elite or Aaron Rodgers elite?

When your best and only offers are from UConn, Monmouth and Cornell, how do you not go with Cornell? Sure, there’s the glory and tradition of the CoNfLiCT, but with Cornell at least you get a diploma from an Ivy to go with your CTE.

So, can we expect something like The Concourse to be its own thing anytime soon? Maybe a dedicated society and politics blog? I’m only asking because it seems like it’s a subject that warrants some kind of focus.


Somehow, 4% of people manage to have no opinion.

Another case of sloppy Deadpsin journalism. This is obviously the reaction to Brown vs. Board of Education.

Easily the worst thing about college football is that both teams can’t lose.

Looks ok to me

Good on Gates taking the high road but... yeah, fuck that. That was a little more than mere lower body impact.

Isn’t “pissing all over The Concourse” what Hamilton Nolan does every week?

Always so fucking negative. What about all the economic benefits the games created? Not a single mention, not one.

“You’re going Da’Ron way!!! fucking worthless piece of shit.” (Drinks mai-tai. Wolf whistles at 14 year-old.) - Lane Kiffin

“Tide goes in, Tide goes out...You can’t explain that.”

because it’s part of the MAGAcast

Oh crap, the Knicks get to be humiliated by them next, dont they?

“Listen, I know you guys are upset, but let me tell you, I know what a pick looks like.”

“Jokes on you we’re already fucking our siblings”