
Jesus dude. Chill.

Cam playing well and throwing the fist will surely make some racist white peoples heads explode. Always a good thing.

Hard to believe the Panthers are undefeated at 3-1.

Every major Chicago team has a title within our lifetime. Fuck off you with your Bill Simmons lite woe is me bullshit.

It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot


If the dance is the Mashed Potato, Pablo Sandoval’s in trouble.

In a related story, here’s a shot of the latest stop of Joe Paterno on his apology tour.

Laugh it up, Sanchez has four times as many playoff wins as the Detroit Lions franchise. I know this because I’m a #@$!ing Lions fan.

Sam Darnold is going to look fantastic in a Bears uniform. The Bears will likely ruin him, but it will be exciting and promising for a brief period of time.

That was the same approach to testing at Prime Prep as well.

Looks like the PC police our hear again, guys!!!

Libs are butthurt as usual! It’s 2017, SHEEPLE! Not respecting women gets you all the way to the White House!

Yeah but right now it’s just her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word, her word,

Malkin is more of a star and on the Penguins. The league never does anything bad to the penguins.

haha its not too late to upgrade Weber to an even older and slower model in Zdeno Chara

As a Caps fan, this slightly worries me. Oh wait, we’re not making the conference finals anyways.

Guess they finally tapped out the whole lucrative “fat people who frequent amusement parks” demo

Remember when working for the government meant working to uphold the Constitution and not blindly following whoever is President? Pepperidge Farm remembers. And so does Sally Yates.

Did he drop his Obamacare coverage or his ACA coverage? This is need to know.