
You’re going to hurt your fingers clutching those pearls that tightly.

AW YEAH! HIGH FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christ, you are a gigantic idiot.

Then you don’t really give a shit. Who cares if you “get lumped in with all the rest?” Maybe trying to engage on The Root and evaluating the response you get (this is the internet, after all, it’s a horrible place) isn’t really the best measuring stick for deciding how progressive to be.

OBJECTIVELY, you are a piece of stupid shit

“I’m a left leaning moderate”

You are fucking stupid.

I don’t think “The Process,” even your straw man-muddled version of it, ever purported to have anything to do with player development. It was simply about acquiring assets. That’s dumb in and of itself, i.e. it gives you a perfectly good reason to make fun of its very principles, but it doesn’t mean you can mock it

Let’s just bring this internet argument to its expected conclusion: you are literally Hitler.

Whoa shit! A reliever whose career started in 2014 and who has 136 career IP has been thrown out 1/3rd as much as an every day outfielder whose career started in 2012? HUGE IF TRUE. STAY WOKE, BASEBALL FANS

Are you near a tall building or bridge right now? If so, are you able to do us all a favor and throw yourself off of it?

“If it happened to Ovi or McDavid it would have been called the same”

Lol, yes, a “boarding,” if boarding is defined by a clean hit to a guy’s shoulder (which becomes the guy’s head because the guy can’t skate and was wiping out mid-play) while he’s playing the puck immediately next to the boards.

Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you.

You said you were “staring” me when you meant you were starring me. HTH

Thanks for the #redpill lesson, bro. You are truly the most enlightened, rational person ever to be on the internet.

Right, you’re a fucking idiot, and verbose as well. Cool story though.

Sure they are, that’s why it’s even funnier that conservatives now need them more than liberals do.

Sure they are, that’s why it’s even funnier that conservatives now need them more than liberals do.

Does it hurt your little feelings when people make fun of Republicans? I’m sure it does. Quick, go to your safe space over at Breitbart or wherever else you go to talk about how libtards all exist in a bubble! Safe space! Cover your ears! You dumb cunt.