
He was probably just trying to attend to an injured customer.

I liked Simms defending the doctors. “Uh the doctors checked him quickly and besides he was hit on the chin not the head.” Right Phil. The doctors checked to see if his head was still attached, it was attached enough and it’s the playoffs so fuck it.

The fact that Ajayi’s shove of Dupree was judged equivalent to Dupree’s dirty hit on Moore is why the NFL is a joke.

They couldn’t reach agreeement on Hume’s first principles of the contents of the mind.

That looks impressive but most of those are just lists of shitty nicknames:

Sitting on that has got to hurt your BACK BACK BACK.

Where can I read more of this?

I say this all the time, but just imagine how the Boston media would ridicule someone like Peyton Manning if he did half the wack shit Brady does. Between that fucking diet and all these insane fake health products they’d eviscerate him.

One problem with elite is they always want to talk about actual news stories. We have to reach out to whites where they live—comment sections.

I have nothing but respect for The Whites, even though many of them are addicted to opiates and are too lazy to get a job! I have some Whites in my family, they are good people, hard working, respectful! If all The Whites where like The Whites I know, they would be happier.

I assume the back surgery is an exploratory procedure in which they’ll be looking for something resembling a spine.  

“You don’t need to teach out in the public all the time.”

I have lived in the South and North and I have noticed a generalized difference between whites. In the South, a lot of white folks will be so nice and welcoming but would say the most racist things ever behind my back. But to my face it was all smiles and they were quite helpful. In the North, a lot of white folks

Sure, Harper’s Spud Webb impression was impressive, but Johnson’s Hank Gathers one was even better.

I don’t know that I’d necessarily applaud an obvious stance against government-funded stadia but it actually happens so infrequently that I get why anyone would in this instance.

The whole post is gold, but this, this shit right here...I’m actually a little dizzy trying to relate to whoever submitted this gem.

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.

Hahaha, no of course not.