
The generally agreed upon rule of thumb is that one average womens college basketball player is equivalent to 8.7 Siamese.City’s worth of athleticism. 9.2 if it’s $5 footlong meatball day.

He maybe speaking metaphorically that the window guy is what’s wrong with society, but I’m speaking metaphorically that the window guy is what most of us feel. We’re powerless to stop most of the wrongs going on around us.

Thoughtful analysis. 10/10


Why’d the whole family blame Kevin for the spilled drinks? Buzz clearly started it, and he should know better since he’s older! It really is unfair. And the cop they sent to the house couldn’t break in and make sure he was safe? Seems like a total failure by every adult involved. So sad.

And rightly so.


“Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology.”

Now playing

A nobody, an often-criticized afterthought on a team consisting of the game’s biggest star, injured early on and confined to the sidelines, some exciting young talent and some old dogs playing above their diminished skill level all led by an engineer-turned-journeyman manager, scores a ridiculous goal against the home

Why did the Rebellion feel the need to kill Galen Erso? Oh I dunno, maybe because he was willing and able to create a superweapon for people who were willing and able to use it? Who knows what they might have made him design next? They had no way of knowing he was working for them reluctantly and even if they did- the

You only do that with sports teams? Hell, I took that approach to life years ago.

Ridiculous conspiracy theory: Winds of Winter is completely controlled by his Jets fandom.

In Cleveland you have to be the first to find and administer a life-saving shot of adrenaline directly to the heart of an overdosed Brownie the Elf somewhere in the Flats to win tickets.

Haven’t seen someone spend this much time running around Philadelphia with inevitable disappointment on the horizon since Hillary Clinton.

Oh looks like Samer triggered you! I love seeing red pillers triggered! Do more!

Top 5 most likely to promote? That isn’t even a thing. So he makes the jump from single A to double A if the AAA guy gets called up?

Did you know Gates played college basketball?

Oh yeah, lemme get you a business license tout suite.