
literally unplayable

Very few thought “he seems smart.”  Most thought, “fuck Hillary Clinton.”

I vote for George, who emailed it from KA’s email address.

Precisely the same reaction I had.

You can tell that Kavanaugh is lying about a lot of this shit by the number of responses, when he’s being pinned down on something possibly illegal or unethical, that begin with him saying “I don’t recall”

This is why we need to make sure women get paid less than men!

I’d buy that something petty made him run for POTUS, but it’s not Stefani. It’s when Obama made fun of him at the correspondents’ dinner. I think he thought to himself then and there “I’ll show you”. He has extremely thin skin. 

No shit she’s not. I’ve never heard Michelle Obama use the word “lodestar” in my life. 

It’s been a long time and I can’t recall the source - it might have been Michael Moore - but I’ve heard a similar story (sans the Stefani bit). That Trump wanted another Apprentice, but NBC wasn’t biting, so he did an “Ill show you....”

It totally seems like a Trumpian move, especially since he has ran for presidency

Chris Cuomo: “Mr. Guiliani, do you indeed wear diapers?”

Completely in keeping with his “character”.

Just because it’s absurd doesn’t mean it can’t be true. We know this now.

Agree. He thought he would lose and start his own Fox News-esque tv/radio shows and get to yell all day about Hillary’s emails and the deep state protecting her. Then he won. And we lost big-ly.

My husband and I have always said he never really wanted to be president, just all the attention and ratings that come with running, and then got in over his head and now we have garbage fire for president.

It makes infinitely more sense than “because he is deeply invested in the wellfare of the american people and international relations"

Good on Kampala Harris for asking the question:

“Because Jack Dorsey is trying to influence the election to sway the election so that Democrats can steal the election.

For everyone linking to the ADL blog article stating that this is not a white supremacist symbol, I included a tweet from the guy WHO WROTE THAT ARTICLE. He acknowledged that the symbol has come to represent white supremacy. 

There are so many little funny details that are easy to miss. I remember watching the last season (I think?) and noticed Mr. Peanutbutter was casually talking while washing a kong in the sink. It also manages to deal with more serious subject matter really well, like the episodes on Princess Carolyn’s miscarriages,