
Must be so hard in the Winter when he can’t wear a scarf. Or when it’s sunny and he can’t wear sunglasses.

Don’t worry, I did! And I liked it a lot! This was just a replay/watch of the series to get ready for MGS5 and I didn’t have enough time to replay all of the games before release.

I replayed 1,2 and 4 (and watched “movies” of 3, Portable Ops and Peacewalker on youtube) before 5 came out. I was pleased with how well they held up (though 4 was definitely better when I was a college student who didn’t mind watching 45+ minute series of cutscenes). 2 is still bonkers AF but I’m still a sucker for

Aw man, back in the original we had to watch the the post-credits stars for three hours to get that!

Or you could just ignore that if it doesn’t apply to you. I really don’t get why acknowledging the cost of a fairly expensive accessory that a minority of gamers own would bother you so much.

I’m tempted to get this but I doubt my friends and I will finish up Gloomhaven for at least a few more years now.

Yeah, Arkham Horror LCG is amazing. I’m mid campaign with a friend and am probably a few days away from trying to make a solo deck (hopefully without having to deconstruct either of our current decks) and trying it out solo.

God I hope this isn’t in effect by the time my wife gives birth (expected in August). It was rough just not being able to go to an appointment with her.

Man... I still need to finish Persona 5 despite preordering it :(

We also haven’t seen anyone* really die from force lightning. Luke was zapped way longer than Mace and was pretty okay. Sure, Darth Vader did die, but that seemed kind of like the lightning fried all the life saving machines in his suit rather than outright killing him.

and the resource you have to spend to reset the skill tree is hard to come by

Reading the replies to Warren’s tweet was... a mistake.

I mean, it was my least favorite of them (maybe still is? It has been a while since I watched them), but that trilogy was so good that it has a very high bar. I’d certainly never call it underwhelming.

Every time I see anything about Battlefield, I just feel a a deep desire in my bones for a sequel to Battlefield 2142 :(

Every time I see anything about Battlefield, I just feel a a deep desire in my bones for a sequel to Battlefield

Which is horseshit because no one will look at Mayor Pete if he loses and say “whelp, guess a middle aged white man can never win...” but people are going to say it anyway.

I might be misunderstanding your question, but I think that charity impacts taxes because people typically deduct charitable givings, so charitable givings are subsidized by the government.

Out of curiosity, how much will this donation allow him to save in taxes?

My wife tells spammers that she is going to skin their family in front of them. I don’t know if this make them stop calling though.

I was kind of disappointed with Vanquish. It was solid enough but I got bored with it after a while. Admittedly, I tried it after a few years of folks online hyping it up a lot so I’d say try to go in with tempered expectations.

I mean, “I don’t know” seems more like “I don’t want to say”. I mean if JJ can flat out lie about who Benedict was playing...