Yo...MTV Raps!

The first car I ever bought, back when we bought cars based on 40 words in a printed newspaper, and it ruined me for average cars ever since. It’s been a very long time, and I still remember the first time I caught this view as the garage door came open. As I think back along the list of cars that are no longer mine,

Not totally disagreeing, but this seems less like things are getting “a little tough” and more like the company is boned, and this guy knows it. No less hilarious that he probably gets a golden parachute to ditch the plane that’s in a nosedive.

“virtue signaling”

Get ready for all sorts of epic blame-shifting.

Must be nice to get a job like that with a multi-million dollar annual paycheck and then get to just bail when times get a little tough. 

There is going to be a lot of uncertainty coming up. That is bad for business and bad for cars.

They should let me be CEO, I’ll do just as good of a job in killing the company

No more government backed insurance for idiots that live in flood zones.

It’s a shame ignorant fatass trumpers hate this car.

I don’t have a good feeling about the success of this car. The gas engine one with it’s pure excess and all its Murica was such a Trump mobile. I feel like they just lost 75% of their clientele by going electric on this one.

Ah, well, I’ll have to make do with my 4C. I can’t imagine anyone’s ever said this before, but the 4C is more practical.

At this price point, I shouldn’t be risking burning the car down if I try to drive it home. If the fuel leak is truly just a line between the pump and carb, then replace the bloody thing. Oil pan leak should also be fixed at this price point, but that leads me to believe it is more likely a rear main seal leak.

As a prior owner of both 2nd and 3rd gens, this gives me lipstick on a pig vibes. If you’re selling this, and for this much money, in theory the oil pan and fuel pump leaks should be easy fixes to scratch off the “cons” list. Why then are they selling it without doing the “easy” fix? The car looks good but so did the 3

Also a former 2nd gen owner and agree on all points. Time seems to heal all wounds though, because after 15 years, I’m somehow pining for another one...

I am a former 2nd-gen F-body owner and therefore a hater of all things 2nd-gen F-body. Sure, they look good, but only by owning one will you discover the cost cutting and shitty assembly.  ND.

ND due to the admitted problems, the mileage, and the overspray on the driver’s door striker — a sign the repaint was quick and cheap so might be hiding other issues.

You can’t upload images, or use a URL any more, which sucks, but you can still do Right Click->Copy Image and paste that into a comment.

You can see black and white char on the side of the tree. There’s not a lot of it, so it looks like the fire was put out pretty quickly. Jalopnik’s terrible website hasn’t let me post an image in months so I can’t put it here, but just go to the KTVU article.


Well I suspect after January they won’t have any trouble getting Boeing parts