

Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.

Tip 1: don't hire out an expensive hotel to hold something like this.

Nicholas Cage and Earthlings.

oversight ALERT :

I love that not only did he apologize to her for having to deal with that woman's bullshit, he did the humane thing and gave the new mom more caffeine. That dude needs a raise.

and this is why you always vote, even if you're not ecstatic about the candidates.

Direct your boss to this site:

So they made the RL version of Princess Monster Wife

Will no one remark on this bizarre list of menu items?

Oh. oh. OH!! Try the Moving Comfort Maia. I thought I'd hate it because it seemed too matronly, what with it's slightly higher neckline....holy f. It's amazing

Here is my sports bra PSA: I am a runner with natural Ds and I'm kind of an old lady (43). I recently discovered the Moving Comfort Juno and I LOVE it. My boyfriend came into the room smiling when I was on the treadmill and his face fell immediately and he said "they aren't moving AT ALL!". Nope, no they aren't. Bless

All I read was how she tried to delay potty training and my brain had a spasm

Right, and gluten causes autism right?

Harpo is a character from The Color Purple. He is a player, has a wife and girlfriend. There is more to it, but I haven't read the book or seen the movie in a long time and do not want to misrepresent the characters further.


I want to say something positive about my hormonal birth control, but I don't want to spend the afternoon being lynched by people who say that I don't understand the side effects, because doctors don't educate people about the side effects, because side effects and willful ignorance. (Disclaimer: Some of us read those