Can we introduce a law that lets people who wanted to have an abortion but couldn't because of excessive red-tape sue state legislators for "forced pregnancy" regret?
Can we introduce a law that lets people who wanted to have an abortion but couldn't because of excessive red-tape sue state legislators for "forced pregnancy" regret?
I don't buy that she's not drinking water. Can't a person only live for like 3 days before dying of dehydration, if they don't take in any moisture?
I still miss Douglas Adams (quote from Hitchhiker's Guide...), I always think of this quote when people talk about How Everything Was Better In The Past:
Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been…
Marriage is actually about appeasing Walder Frey and keeping the passage of the Crossing open for your army.
Also side note (to Catholic guy's idea about religions and marriage). Most of the world thought slavery was a good idea at one time or another.
I take offense to that, the the cloaca is necessary for life, the Donohue is not.
Listen, if I can't marry off my children for a duchy, what good are they?
"Marriage is about family. It's not about love. Two sisters can love each other. That's an odd idea by the way in Western history. The idea that two people should get married on the basis of love. Now, HOPEFULLY, people do love each other. Marriage has always been based historically on duty and on commitment."
"Where are the examples of gay people being prosecuted???"
- "Our rights are being whittled away in favor of gay rights."
I'm surprised Mattel lawyers aren't suing the silicone out of her. They are extremely protective of Barbie's image and try their hardest to portray her as a good role model (and to their credit, Barbie has had a bazillion jobs, including astronauts and president of the USA). I can't imagine they are happy about this…
And Barbie isn't a sex doll. She's a children's toy.
This is essentially that (super fucked up) fetish called bimbofication, isn't it? I'm kinda over people thinking their kinks are above critique. Congrats on internalising such fuckery. May your grotesquely large tits keep your warm at night.
But Barbie was an astronaut and a doctor and an executive and a figure skater and a ballerina! She should be raising her intelligence and getting all those degrees and hitting the ice/barre if she really wants to be like Barbie.