
Right! I personally wouldn't disregard a highly qualified applicant simply because she had a face tattoo, but I could understand why some hiring managers would question what a face tattoo signifies about a person's judgement and ability to make sound long term decisions. Especially if she interacted with the public

Enjoy that philosophy degree. I'll take some fries with that.

You're painting yourself as a judgmental asshole. Potato/Potahto.

I have tattoos. I didn't get them to rebel or to be "unique". I just like tattoos.

This opinion might matter to those who think a sense of individuality is the apex of the human experience.

I don't care if people have tattoos or not. Whatever. But what I don't like is the manufactured rage that surrounds this concept of "tattoo acceptance". Wait. So, you voluntarily disfigured your body in an act of attention-getting rebellion just so you could complain that people don't like it? WHAT? The amount of

Ughhh. I hate it when people do the whole non-conformist eye-roll and say, "I thought about getting a tattoo, but now everybody's getting them. Yawn." How do they not hear the utter cockshittery of their own words? The entire point of doing what you want is doing what you want, whether you're the first person or the

The pwesthure to conform ith enoirmouth!

Here's an idea! Don't sell plain t-shirts for 40 dollars a pop.

It is feminism that allows female characters like Claire, Cersei Lannister, Skyler White, etc. - female characters who are written in opposition to men, but with motivations and personalities outside of their relation to those men - but I don't see a need to discuss to death whether each new Important Female Character

I've been waiting for a Claire Underwood story so that I could ask this pressing questions: where can I get a dress like the ones she frequently wears? Also, that congresswoman who took over Frank's seat—she wears a blue dress that I covet.

I never get the "regretted sex" rape theory. I understand that there are pathological liars out there, or crazy people hell-bent on ruining someone's life when they break up. I understand the possibility that there may be some young teenagers living at home that might make up a rape story if their parents found out

Every time she talks, I'm like

"This happened, and as of today, the United States is willingly, knowingly, intentionally sending arms to terrorists, now what this says to me, I’m a believer in Jesus Christ, as I look at the End Times scripture, this says to me that the leaf is on the fig tree and we are to understand the signs of the times, which

Why does anyone care what she thinks?

I love dogs and country music, and have a very tidy desk. I DONT WANT TO BE A CONSERVATIVE!!

conservatives are often portrayed by left-leaning media as rigid, righteous ideologues devoted to their beliefs with a borderline scary fervency

You know who has the best workout clothes? TJ Maxx. You know who has the best outdoor/workout clothes, customer service and dividends at the end fo the year? REI.