
In college I had drunken toga-party sex with a high school dropout who was selling shitty weed at the party. I don't remember his name, but all my friends were calling him "My Giant" (like the movie) so I have to assume it was pretty bad.

My sister axed a longtime friend who was unresponsive and bitchy (eg refusing to respond to my - the MOH- requests for info and complaining about the cost of the bridesmaid dress but then taking a number of booze cruises prior to the wedding) about 8 months before her wedding. It took a toll on their friendship but it

Ummm I offer these poo cookies. This looks like what comes out of my dog's ass when she's gotten into some weird shit (literally and figuratively) in the park.

This is definitely real because I definitely swiped a hard NOPE on this very Tinder profile a few weeks ago.

I was raped when I was 14 (and a virgin). Though that's sad and all, that's not my sad sex story. When I finally felt comfortable to "reclaim my sexuality" and do it for the first time as a consenting party, I explained the situation to my then-boyfriend. I thought it would be this touching gift for me to give my

I'd say this goes hand-in-hand with the dorky, "cute in the quirky, nerdy sort of way" brunette with glasses.

I think the secondary article about the labia library on Refinery29 was brought up due to this… where two women wrote Stoya about their insecurities about their lady parts.

I have this picture of a woman in my head with big, voluminous hair who proudly calls herself a "mommy first, mommy blogger second, and a journalist third."

I am also a Moving Comfort fanatic, like a lot of the women on here. I absolutely needed something with a clasp, since any over-the-head bra was always either too small in the cup or too big around the chest (32E/F). The Juno and the Rebound are my go-to. They are pretty high impact, and they def. do the uni-boob

Yes yes yes! Me too! I love this bra - I feel completely LOCKED IN, which is a rare feeling for me.

My numbers vary widely - I recently had a nice adult sleepover with a man that I've been crushing on for a long time and after that I'm at the 1-3 times a day tip (these are quickies... I don't really have time for long, luxurious self-love sessions right now), but before my adult sleepover I was so out-of-touch with

This will be great unless it continues in the direction of the last book which, in my opinion, seemed to ramble, amble, and generally expand the universe in a non-productive way, rather than further the plot. I'm going to be pretty furious if I read another bajillion pages and then the ending is like this (though I

That last one is for sure at Burning Man, so you know... if you're getting married at Burning Man, this seems pretty standard...

In college I kept getting voicemails for someone else - like probably about 50 in total - in hindi. They were always left in the middle of the night when my phone was off/on silent mode, so I never got a chance to pick up (not that it would have helped - I don't speak hindi). It was pretty annoying, but more than

In grad school I was in a class with a girl with a very distinct name. I, along with some classmates, sent emails to what I thought was her - completely innocuous emails about homework or questions about readings, etc. - but it turns out there was one other girl in the entire school with a very similar name, that I

In cases like this (of which there seems to be an abundance), I'm always reminded of some very sage wisdom told in jingle form on the Simpsons:

"The exception that proves the rule"-type situation. I'm a white girl, but I've fallen into that same role as the friend-who-is-a-girl-but-not-like-"other girls". I've had guy friends say stupid misogynistic crap about "girls in general" and then turn to me and say "oh not you, you're different." To which I generally

I'm assuming "humanizing" was meant to be sarcastic but I didn't get it because there is no font called "we're being sarcastic, obviously this is horrible"-new roman or anything...

I think the worst part is that it's actually not a badly done tattoo, in the grand scheme of bad tattoos. Like someone had to put a little effort into that.