
Oh man - I have many tats that people do not love/understand, but this... this was a little past my "no comment" rule.

I feel like these could be played off as ironic in a "they're MEANT to be bad..." way, as he originally intended.

I get the same as I'm originally from Boston, and barely have a trace of accent. Boston accent seems to be the standard go-to accent when making fun of northeastern dummies...

Reminds me of the guys who used to come troll around the senior dorms saying shit like "oh man I used to live here back in the 90s..." and not-so-subtly inviting themselves to have a beer.

When I was a cocktail waitress (this was before google on phones) I had a drunk girl ask for a creamsicle martini. I told her we didn't have that but she DEMANDED one and told me to have the bartender "make it up". I asked the bartender. He "made it up". It was disgusting and she threw it on the ground and said "THIS

This is what I came here to say. I just can't understand... did he pull a tshirt down around his hips? These are the weirdest underpants ever.

Ya mine looks just like that...

Given my field of academic study I'm pretty heavily into any international political news, but I actively avoid any "news" (and I say that in the BROADEST sense) that involves hate-mongering or basically just an offensive talking head (on either side of the political spectrum) running their mouth in an uneducated

I was at a graduate level policy competition (yes... I realize how lame that sounds) and one of the teams had all women wearing not just going-out-cocktail-style attire, but straight-up in-the-clurb-gettin-tips attire. In the middle of the day. And I had been worried because I was wearing a shirt UNDER my suit jacket

I'm not in STEM, but I am in a heavily male doctoral program (and field of study) and it is stifling. Add into the mix a bunch of old, male curmudgeon professors and a group of highly competitive students competing for their time/attention... it's a really shitty environment to try to learn and grow in.

Ya I got ear infections ALL THE TIME as a child and now I see the direct scientific correlation between my vaccinations and my horrible ear infections! THANKS, MOM!

This is LITRALY not funny.

Seriously, were those the words? I thought I had just misheard them and thought those were the words I made up in my mind.

And if you're looking for a more "alternative" lets-go-back-in-time concert, where 99.9% of the attendees will only be there to listen to music that was popular 10-15 years ago and the average age is somewhere in the mid- to late-30s, there is an Everclear, Soul Asylum, Eve 6 and Spacehog tour this summer as well.

I searched long and hard (HA long and hard) for an appropriate reaction gif, but I can't find one that seems to capture internal screaming, complete disgust, malaise, introversion, and a general "what the fuck"/"I can't even"-ness that I'm looking for.

May I suggest Downworthy:

Is this maybe a young clone of MM? Is this what science has come to?

Reminds me of Andy Dwyer, except with dogs.

New band name, I CALLED IT!