Oh man - I have many tats that people do not love/understand, but this... this was a little past my "no comment" rule.
Oh man - I have many tats that people do not love/understand, but this... this was a little past my "no comment" rule.
I get the same as I'm originally from Boston, and barely have a trace of accent. Boston accent seems to be the standard go-to accent when making fun of northeastern dummies...
Reminds me of the guys who used to come troll around the senior dorms saying shit like "oh man I used to live here back in the 90s..." and not-so-subtly inviting themselves to have a beer.
When I was a cocktail waitress (this was before google on phones) I had a drunk girl ask for a creamsicle martini. I told her we didn't have that but she DEMANDED one and told me to have the bartender "make it up". I asked the bartender. He "made it up". It was disgusting and she threw it on the ground and said "THIS…
This is what I came here to say. I just can't understand... did he pull a tshirt down around his hips? These are the weirdest underpants ever.
Given my field of academic study I'm pretty heavily into any international political news, but I actively avoid any "news" (and I say that in the BROADEST sense) that involves hate-mongering or basically just an offensive talking head (on either side of the political spectrum) running their mouth in an uneducated…
I was at a graduate level policy competition (yes... I realize how lame that sounds) and one of the teams had all women wearing not just going-out-cocktail-style attire, but straight-up in-the-clurb-gettin-tips attire. In the middle of the day. And I had been worried because I was wearing a shirt UNDER my suit jacket…
I'm not in STEM, but I am in a heavily male doctoral program (and field of study) and it is stifling. Add into the mix a bunch of old, male curmudgeon professors and a group of highly competitive students competing for their time/attention... it's a really shitty environment to try to learn and grow in.
Ya I got ear infections ALL THE TIME as a child and now I see the direct scientific correlation between my vaccinations and my horrible ear infections! THANKS, MOM!
Seriously, were those the words? I thought I had just misheard them and thought those were the words I made up in my mind.
To that I say: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMIErb…
And if you're looking for a more "alternative" lets-go-back-in-time concert, where 99.9% of the attendees will only be there to listen to music that was popular 10-15 years ago and the average age is somewhere in the mid- to late-30s, there is an Everclear, Soul Asylum, Eve 6 and Spacehog tour this summer as well.…
I searched long and hard (HA long and hard) for an appropriate reaction gif, but I can't find one that seems to capture internal screaming, complete disgust, malaise, introversion, and a general "what the fuck"/"I can't even"-ness that I'm looking for.
May I suggest Downworthy: