
Someone on FB posted an article from that site about a supposed demon exorcism that happened in Indiana, and EVERY SINGLE COMMENT was about Obamacare and the liberals. I think they may all be robots set to "make inane, repetitive comments about the president and the opposing political party even if they have nothing

As someone with MANY tattoos, I am right there with you. I chose to put all my tattoos in places that I could hide in business/family situations. In my field I would also like to work abroad, and I know there are places where not only would it be wrong for a woman to have tattoos, but it would also be dangerous. I

What a ridiculously judgmental comment. I may be a "cultural follower", as you say, but at least I don't group entire people without knowing anything about them beyond the one commonality between them.

I get the sentiment from this article, but I kind of feel like this fits into the whole Criminal Minds serial killer thing. If there were as many really smart (or even dumb) serial killers as portrayed on Criminal Minds we'd all be fucked. But it's TV. Just because I saw it on TV I don't usually ponder how I will be

Amen, sista (or brotha... not trying to make assumptions here).

Honestly I have no idea - I've only gotten Plan B. Maybe it's a price-point issue? Must be something to do with the Pharma companies, I'd assume.

Don't be scurred. If this experience taught me anything it was to hold my head up higher in the situation. How dare someone who knows nothing about me or my life pass judgement on me? Also, who cares if I was getting it because I was just opening my legs for every dude on the street? Still not his business. (But I'm

I live in LA - not really the bastion of morality and virginal fortitude- and I've had two experiences getting Plan B from my local CVS (that, BTW, has a whole bookshelf next to the pharmacy counter of books with titles like "adventures in being a submissive wife" and "using the strength of Jesus to withstand lady

"And the thing we're going to talk about tonight, is the thing I just said."

You are SO right about the sketchy frats... I used to sneak out and go to frat parties at U of C when I was 14 years old. Invited by frat brothers. I'm 28 and I still get carded every. single. time. There is NO way I looked 21, let alone 18 when I was 14. But they didn't seem to mind. I had my fair share of

Shipping container houses, ftw!

TIL that I have a body like a female athlete, sadly, without the benefit of being a female athlete.

I will use, and forever reuse my favorite gif when reading about right-wing reactions to women's issues:

Regardless of the "is she too skinny" or "was she too fat" argument that I have absolutely zero interest in weighing in on, I did have a personal *eureka* moment about the Biggest Loser because of my own experience watching the shower... I had a severe, severe eating disorder for many years, and when I was in high

Ya, the excuse that "he's so talented" is complete bullshit. 90% of the shit people post on instagram looks exactly like this, minus the celebrities.

I know it's hard to tell from a tiny clip but my immediate reaction was "ummm why do they have modern guns?" They clearly make reference in the third book to their awe over modern gun technology. A little thing, but it seems to reflect my reaction in general to the trailer of the movie.

I have a friend who logged into her boyfriend's email and then found some bad shit. She said "what should I do?" to which I responded, "how the hell should I know? This is the universe punishing you for being an asshat."

This would come in handy since I constantly get asked by waxers, friends, and asshole strangers "why did you pluck just half your left eyebrow?" I didn't. It just never really grew in. But thank you for making me feel very self-conscious about it.

I'm glad the stupid Carl's Junior ad was the one that came up with the post. Every time I see those ads I start yelling at the TV "THIS IN UNREALISTIC!" because even *if* beautiful model DID eat Carl's Junior nasty burgers, she probably wouldn't be doing it in tiny clothing whilst attempting to be seductive! She'd do

This is me when I read this stuff: