I spent the weekend with my boyfriend (who I am NOT ready to marry/procreate with/live with/share much more than a dinner check with)'s family where his cousin and cousin's wife, both new parents, bitched and moaned all. goddamn. day. Non-stop. Then, come the close of the weekend, they turned to me and said, "so when…
I thought it was just sold in the high end version of Sky Mall that you get on international flights... duty free jewelry...
Completely agreed - one issue with many (not all - but many) people who suffer ED is, just like you said, hyper awareness of others' judgments on them. What may be a stink eye because the person is having a bad thought can be interpreted as "ah that guy gave me the stink eye because [insert self-deprecating comment…
You could have saved yourself the effort of writing this and replaced "medical experts" with "anyone with more than five rational neurons firing within their brains".
I get the feeling that Akin doesn't believe that "female" and "doctor" could possibly be connected in a sentence unless the sentence went something like, "a female went to her doctor, who was obviously a white man..."
Sadly it seems like many of the people who run for office these days do so to get THEIR opinions/needs supported, not because they want to help others... maybe it is the bitter cynic in me, but our government seems more like pageantry than anything else these days. I hold out hope for individual officials, but it's…
Santorum is so goddamn out of touch with "the people" (meaning anyone who isn't wealthy, white, and a religious zealot with a penis) that he could probably have line of women around the block to tell him how abortion/contraception/Planned Parenthood saved their lives and he'd still have some reason why it was all…
Wait, you can't say "vagina" in senate, but you can say "juices"?!
The issue I have with the current (and forever) makeup of our government is one of "experience", as in: none of the people who are making and voting on these laws have had the experiences necessary to understand the full weight of them.
I don't like to call these people "women" as I think it is an affront to our gender. I like to think of them as vagina-having-fem-bots who are pre-programmed to hate their own kind. Anyone who votes for/is a party to the legislations that set women's rights back into the dark ages should not be allowed to call…
Not just in government - in many places there is statistical proof that giving microcredit loans to women lead to improvements in family environment, children's education, and nutrition versus giving microcredit loans to men (who tend to use it on more selfishly motivated ventures).
I don't do inversions because I have sporadic vertigo that is exacerbated by being upside-down, and I always thought it was odd that 9 out of 10 yoga instructors would say to me, "oh because you're on your period?" (Which, btw, is none of their damn business!)
I was always allowed soda, within normal child (albeit child of very healthy parent) limits, but I have this vivid recollection of an incident with family friends who were visiting during my parents during one college vacation:
My nephews are the Wang-Steele's... so I'm guessing that means porn for them.
I like my boss a lot - he has been like a father-figure to me since moving out to Cali by myself after college. We work in a very relaxed environment and talk about almost everything. He (totally with my permission) will give me a hug if I'm in need (like when I found out my grandfather passed away while I was at…
That was my thought. I mean, OBVIOUSLY he is out of his damn mind.