He seemed very happy at the end of this life... I think he came to peace with it all in the end.
He seemed very happy at the end of this life... I think he came to peace with it all in the end.
I think he just accepted it after awhile. There were pictures of the wedding and the babies being born, and he knew my nana from before the war, so I guess in time he just accepted that he had just been in a terrible accident. But he dealt with severe outbursts of rage for his whole life (though I would never have…
More or less - according to my mom he dealt with a lot of anger issues for a long time, but by the time I knew him, he was a very gentle teddy bear and a fantastic grandfather. Sadly he couldn't hold down a job for the rest of his life, which probably added to the anger issues.
I have a very clear recollection of someone throwing a pizza at me (an ENTIRE pizza - scalding hot too) during my first festival experience at Tibeten Freedom Concert. But the nice gentleman next to me helped get the pizza out of my hair, and then asked me if I wanted to "take a hit" of something that smelled, to my…
You don't even understand. He wanted a suped-up H3 with rims and a stereo system, but his parents told him he could only get a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Edition with the leather seating options, which is like, so unfair.
Shit, I'm glad she says it's torture, because otherwise I'd feel bad that I don't just naturally look that hot. At least she's saying "I have to torture myself to look like this" and I can think "well good on her, but eff that ess" and continue to eat these delicious french fries.
YES. THANK YOU. Everyone reacts differently to EVERY surgical procedure, but that's what it is, A SURGICAL PROCEDURE. It's not a murder, it's not something that psychologically destroys everyone who has it done. I had massive reconstructive knee surgery that was both horribly painful and made my life miserable for…
I recently found out about the "Quantified Self" movement. This takes self-monitoring to the EXTREME.
*Slow clap*
My grandfather was in a terrible construction accident, and he had brain damage that caused him to remember everything from the distant past, but nothing from the immediate past. He remembered going to Korea for the war, but didn't remember coming back, getting married, and having kids. When the doctors tried to…
Black Milk sometimes has cool stuff (R2D2 bathing suit was from Black Milk), but usually it kind of looks like, "ummm what can we easily print on cheap leggings and swimsuits that will look 'nerdy' but will appeal to hipsters?"
Well, since we all know that cramps are god's way of punishing the descendants of Eve for tempting Adam, but who are so bold as to not get knocked up and get the TRUE punishment they deserve (pain of childbirth - really, this is the reason for pain in childbirth, no joke), we are yet again shaking our fists in the…
I am literally in the EXACT same (historical) boat as you. By the age of 14 I had such bad cramps I couldn't get out of bed for the few days before/during the start of my period. As a competitive dancer that was NOT acceptable. My doctor put me on the pill and BAM, right-as-rain. I love when people say there are other…
The first slide my prof put up on the first day of our Research Methods course was a statistic showing the increase in car crashes and the correlation with increased orange imports from Mexico, and then showing some articles that used this as one of those "Is Importing Fruit Causing and Increase in American Car…
God damnit I looked everywhere for a gif of Chris Farley and David Spade from Tommy Boy... BEES! BEES EVERYWHERE!
This commercials confirms that Andrea Zuckerman is for sure a robot. SHE LOOKS THE EXACT SAME NOW AS SHE DID IN THE 90210 DAYS! I mean, yes, she looked crazy old for a high schooler back then, but it seems she hasn't aged a day since high school! SHE MUST BE A ROBOT!
I was labeled gifted as a child, and my parents, being believers in the "treat your kid the opposite way that society tells you to treat them" school of parenting used this as a way to discredit all my achievements. There was never praise for accomplishments, only the expectation that that was the way it should be. If…