
The amazing intelligent reactions to the inconclusive and somewhat leading findings of this study by Jezies makes my heart soar. There is intelligence on the internet! So much intelligence!

Also you have access to things like these...

Did you know that the rate of murder rises as the rate of ice cream consumption rises? A + B = ICE CREAM CAUSES MURDER!

It's funny because I read it as if they were singing. You, sir, are a winner.

I wanted so much to understand the timeline and backstory that they were (supposedly) going to explain through Caprica, but then it turned out to be a weird family soap opera (and not in the awesome space-war soap opera style of real BSG). So much hope, so much disappointment.

That is a much more noble use, though still seems like a lot of money!

I remember spending the night in the Boston Museum of Science as a girl scout. Coolest. Night. EVER.

I was just at the drugstore picking up my whore pills, and the lady in front of me had a STACK of different lady mags in her cart. No less than 10 (I can't believe there are that many). All I could think was, 1) that's going to be a lot of money, and 2) doesn't she realize the articles will all be the same, just

That was a typo.

Sometimes I think stereotypes are justified. Like, when I hear that an older white gentleman has a name like "Foster Friess" or "Saxby Chambliss", I am going to go ahead and assume he holds ideals that are polar opposite to my own. What I'm saying is: if your name sounds more like the title of an antebellum plantation

Jesus christ- agreed. I lived in Pennsylvania and they are like giant, annoying squirrel who will total the fuck out of your car as they death-dive in front of it for no apparent reason.

I was going to say, "was the plague something that made her so hot she had to rip her bodice off all the time?"

Now playing

For all the crap he has produced, this is still one of my favorite scenes in a movie.

I didn't really like the ending, but the entire movie was worth it for the scene where Joaquin Phoenix is sitting watching tv in the closet, and he says "vamanos children!" then the alien walks by. Both hilarious and piss-myself terrifying in one fell swoop.

Get your ass to mars.

Oh god, oh god, oh god - I read this and started hyperventilating over a memory of two professors shouting at each other over what was better: long-cycle or short-cycle theory of power transition when everyone knew they were both wrong. Too many unknown or exogenous variables! *breathe breathe breathe*

Or her period. Like EVERYWHERE.

Well clearly they'd poison our asses, using poisonous gasses.

Maybe we could just repackage something that already smells awful, like one of those colognes you can buy at the pharmacy and named after a Nascar driver... that would save a lot of time on R&D.

I dealt with a lot of bullying while in middle and high school, and that was JUST as cell phones were starting to move from mother's purses and dad's pockets into our awful, evil little hands. It was so bad that I left one school midway through sophomore year to attend a new, out-of-state boarding school.