While working on my grad degree, I've had to take numerous classes on political science and economic modeling/theories. One of the (depressing) things I've taken away from these classes are that models and theories (almost always, inevitably) fail because they cannot account for unexpected changes or shocks to the…
*Slow clap*
Oh Japan, you never cease to amaze me.
That may be true - my boyfriend is basically the "cool boss" to a bunch of younger guys. Even if they DID disagree with him, they probably wouldn't call him out. Luckily, I do not find that to be an issue and call him out on a reglar basis.
Because when I pose-smile, my top lip recedes into my gums, and I'm like, "GODDAMN where did all those teeth come from?!"
It seems like guys who hang around guys who have the same tastes as them (and talk about it) tend to get into this mindset as well. My boyfriend and I had a loooong talk when we first started dating because he would say things like what the male in this situation said, usually in reference to "hipster" girls. He…
Dane Cook reminds me (insofar as I can glean from his public persona) of one of my friends. I call him my anti-taste friend because though he is a good person (my friend, NOT Dane Cook), everything he likes, I hate. He literally has the worst taste in everything. Wine, movies, music, etc. I've come to the point where…
I got into a fight with an acquaintance about why I don't eat at In&Out or shop at Urban Outfitters (because they give lots of money to causes I not only don't support but actively work against) and she gave me the argument that I'm just one person and who care and blah blah blah. I think this idea that "oh well I'm…
When I saw this I almost went on to Reddit to see if my (date) rapist had left an account of what he did to me... I know he is on Reddit (through friends of friends... sad that we still have ANY connection). I thought I wanted to see if after thirteen years he had come to see that what he did (and the subsequent…
At first I was shocked that anyone laughed, but then I realized, the people who like Dane Cook and would spend their hard-earned (maybe?) money to see him live WOULD laugh at something like that. Cool story, bro!
Oh god... book 5... oh god the nightmares... certain forms of torture really never made it into my list of things to be terrified of until A Dance With Dragons...
I always thought it was interesting while getting tattooed which places HURT and which places just had a dull ache... obviously the places with less tissue (like on my ribs) were pretty painful, but throughout most of my back the feeling was very diffused, and I wouldn't have been able to say what point on my back the…
I go to grad school where Dr. Paul Zak is a professor (Paul Zak, writer of some of the above articles, owner of the vanity license plate "OXYTOCN", chiseled face of oxytocin - check out his Ted talk, and laugh derisively - it was rated one of the worst). It's hard to take any "researcher" seriously who legitimately…
I brought this up to a prof at my school who works exclusively with oxytocin based hypotheses (ie bullshit), and he got really, really offended. So I told him to spray some oxytocin up his nose because since we're both white (part of the in-group), he wouldn't be mad at me anymore.
Well considering they seemed to die/get knocked out when hit by rocks thrown by the tiny/low range-of-motion arms of walking Teddy Ruxpins, this is not surprising.
I've always been scared to get my IQ tested... I've done well in a traditional "ivory-tower" sense, continuing my education to attain more (what will most likely be) useless letters-at-the-end-of-my-name degrees, but I have a sneaking suspicion(/fear) that I'd go, take the test, and they'd be all like, "whelp! You…
I have a vivid memory of being 11 years old, listening while I should have been in bed on Q101 in Chicago, and hearing Adam and Dr. Drew talk about how grown women with little girl voices may have been molested as children and then never matured out of that demeanor. Totally ruined me because now every time I hear the…
This healthcare rhetoric (from the "obamacare was written by the devil with hitler's blood" peeps) makes my stomach hurt. Literally. My stomach starts to get upset when I read/hear about it. THANK GOD I have health insurance for when I realize this shit has given me an ulcer... otherwise I'd be SOL.