I wonder about the person who ate so many apple seeds that they died of cyanide poisoning as well. They were all like, "oh man I love apples so much I'm just going to not be wasteful, and eat the cores as well!"
I wonder about the person who ate so many apple seeds that they died of cyanide poisoning as well. They were all like, "oh man I love apples so much I'm just going to not be wasteful, and eat the cores as well!"
Ah yes. Well, I may be ultra-productive, but I've also cracked all the fillings in my teeth from grinding so hard due to stress. Who needs teeth when you're so damned successful!?
Yes - until the burnout comes. I finished my quals and am now attempting (and attempting may even be a stretch) to do my dissertation proposal. But after the stress from quals, the relief of passing, then the need to ramp up again for my proposal, something must have gotten unhinged along the way. I'm so damned burnt…
Ya until you get to A Dance with Dragons and it's back to "fucking fuck" this and "cunt and cock" that... I think George must have changed his meds during A Feast for Crows, then changed back for A Dance with Dragons or something.
Birth control =/= baby is all I need to know. BUT I am not a republican male senator with control over birth control laws and regulations... too bad, because if they accepted my explanation it would makes things a hell of a lot easier.
Wow - in college my dance troupe did a dance to Bruce Springsteen's "Goodnight Saigon" in full fatigues and camo makeup as a (in the choreographer's words) protest of the Iraq war. I found that to be a little in bad taste. But yours- that really takes the cake on crazy.
I tend to be a "women don't like me..." person, but I can honestly add "... because I tend to be standoffish and a little introverted, plus I don't know how to make smalltalk, and for some reason this seems less problematic with my guy friends than with the women I've tried to befriend." So... I guess that's like, a…
That's what my mom used to say. And that's how I think now. I vacillate between (on my being-nice days) "she's just got other stuff going on that you don't know/understand" and (on my more regular days) "she's an asshat."
"After an incubation period that could last anywhere from a week to several years, people with rabiees suddenly become antsy and hyperactive. They start becoming disoriented and lose lucidity. Eventually, they develop more aggressive symptoms. The mildest of these symptoms is simple irritability. People,…
I feel like these scientists were probably the sort of kids who hid crap under their bed/rug/in the closet and said to their parents, "ya! My room is totally clean! Check it out!"
I'd like to see a study on the crime/ethical conundrum rates of people who believe in Thetans. I would guess the crime rate (beyond tax crimes) would be low, but the ethical conundrum rate would be high. Also the jumping on couches rate would also be high. Just a guess though.
Maybe we should all dress up like our jobs! I'll start: I will wear reams and reams of research documents while carrying a professor who is also yelling in my ear on my back.
Even still, moving from deadly toxin to useful prescription - it's those middle-steps that baffle me!
You hit the nail on the head with that one!
Yes, and we can thank the anti-vaccine nutbags for the rise in pertussis in children, since you know... vaccinations lead to autism, because Jenny McCarthy says so.
That was always my question. I haven't been in a lab since college so I'm sure there were many more steps in the process, but it baffles me that someone was like, "hmmm maybe we could use this horrible horrible toxin to make wrinkles turn to cement face! BRILLIANT! And we will be so rich!"
She said her husband liked the cats more than her, so she wanted to give him something he would like... I think there is a psychiatrist out there who probably made a fortune off this woman.
That should have an arrow pointing to a fifth section that says, "your data completely shits upon your original hypothesis so now your data is either flawed or your hypothesis was WRONG... attempt to write a publishable paper out of this or repeat your experiments because post-hoc hypothesizing is a no-no!"