
Want to read (what I find to be) terribly boring and seem-like-they're-in-another-language-but-they're-not works on the idea of paradigm shifts in science and why science is an evolving and liquid topic? Check out anything by Thomas Kuhn or Imre Lakatos. Personally, I found it to be a torturous yet required grad


I like my global warming pictures in cartoon form.

How about downtown mix-up?

Do you think the people (women? men?) who write these actually think they are a good idea, or are they all just trolling the 17-year old girls who buy Cosmo? I'm being serious because I really would wonder about their relationship histories. I envision the female-version of South Park's World of Warcraft expert coming

Sorry about that - technically you could still do it, you just wouldn't be able to get government grants or publish your results.

Legally you can't give an incentive to prisoners over something like what they would make for a day of work in the library or cooking, what ends up being a few dollars a day. Otherwise it's considered coercion. US IRBs are extra-strict about drug trials in prisons because of that coercion factor, and the feeling that

Well, I do like to treat my relationships like a standard Prisoner's Dilemma. Though maybe any game with a Pareto suboptimal outcome is more accurate...

As a rape survivor, I find it incredibly hard to listen to people make asinine comments about shit they have not even an inkling of understanding about. This woman was a complete douchette who got choked up when she was confronted, and basically changed the subject, and wouldn't let me ask questions after that. Kind

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But... Jeff Daniels promised us Michigan was awesome!

Umm hello? Hasn't he seen GI Jane?

Hmm, I had the opposite problem: it killed my sex drive.

I just watched Hatfields & McCoys, and have been reading A Song of Ice and Fire books, and every time they mention things along the line of "she's growing a baby in her belly" or "she's got a baby in her belly" I laugh because we all know that that's not where babies grow!

One time I tried that Special K diet plan that says you will lose 5 lbs in two weeks.

This reminds me of a certain anti-choice speaker I heard during college who said something along the lines of, "a woman who is raped and gets pregnant - there is so much beauty and love in a child, so really, the rape is just God's will to bring more love into the world." Or something ridiculous like that.

This is one of the main reasons we have institutional review boards and humane treatment of research participant procedures. Ever heard of the Tuskegee Experiments?

I'm sorry, I just puked in my mouth.

Yes yes yes! Arm-head here we come!

A few months ago I started not only liking, but CRAVING oatmeal - something I've hated for 26 years of my 26-year life. I ate it for breakfast, for snacks... I was convinced I was pregnant because why the hell else would I just randomly start wanting oatmeal? Turns out I just really like oatmeal now.

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"Is you very anti abortions because you yourself was aborted?"