I don't consider myself a "morning person" but compared to my grad school comrades (who don't have real people jobs, like I do) I guess you could say I am - I am functional, I wake up at the same time (7am) every day regardless of bedtime, etc.
I don't have kids, but it makes me think of this story my mom tells about my sister (in the mid 1980s):
I read this article yesterday, then went to dinner with my boyfriend and his intern. We were watching the Miami/Boston game, when the intern said to me, "do you like sports?' And I said, "I like them fine. I don't follow anything in particular, but I enjoy watching. I don't have any favorite teams." He responded with,…
I love my boyfriend's prominent, Jewish nose.
I've had a severe bladder disorder since I was about 16. The medicine is expensive, the hospital-provided treatments are MORE expensive and have not been successful for me. What has worked is changing my diet.
Microwave popcorn, anyone?
Oh god... edibles... I turn into the media-driven image of a person on bath salts when I take edibles. (I mean, I haven't eaten anyone yet, but hence why I stay away from edibles.)
True. I forget about that whole... sex makes babies thing.
Seriously, I already sit in the sink at night and examine my own pores like a goddamn archeologist about to find a lost civilization. This is the last thing I need.
I wish my boyfriend had taken home ec. I'm getting pretty tired of scrambled eggs with lots and lots of salt and pepper as a fancy, special, homemade breakfast item.
Sometimes I feel like my life is a walking "To Catch a Predator" - I look very young, and have, multiple times, been propositioned by men with some variation on, "you look really young. That's hot. Are you legal?" Maybe we could make a team of people, both male and female, with my super-young-face disorder, and we…
This girl was the perfect definition of "frenemy". If I could have taken interactions from Mean Girls and aged them ten years, that would have been us.
I so wanted this to be trolls, but it was not trolls. Had this been available while I was going through some of my early middle school "I don't know who I am" phases I probably would have grasped this wholeheartedly. Now I just wish someone had given me a wikiHow: "How to realize that those weird/rebellious fashion…
"Ever wonder what makes the special sauce so special?"