We could follow the advice of that wackadoo church guy who wants to rid the US of the gays: build a big fence around them, and you know... they'll all die out.
We could follow the advice of that wackadoo church guy who wants to rid the US of the gays: build a big fence around them, and you know... they'll all die out.
That everyone was so shocked this didn't pass, but it was bound to fail, so why the shock.
Some very skinny (because she has an unrecognized eating disorder) bitch gave this to me as a "present". I literally almost threw it in her face. Now it helps hold up a table in my house. A table that holds up my giant bowl of ice cream.
And we are all entitled to our opinions.
Oh man I almost had a panic attack when I saw the "Marry Him" title up there.
Only through years of practice, as this sentiment was pretty commonplace at the Jesuit university I attended (one that had a shockingly high incidence of date rape...).
Oh god I would not want to read the crap I wrote. Probably something about the world being awesome and open to all opportunities, and only assholes who don't have open hearts can't see the beauty blah blah blah... gag.
I see this in the light of the "what if JESUS had been aborted?!" argument that I've heard once or twice (or many, many times).
I think I just puked in my mouth a bit.
I don't think they're saying it's BAD. If it works for you, it works for you! That's the thing with scientific studies - they are trying to generalize for publication, but we are all so different. Do what you need to do!!
I am in the same boat. I am very private about my issues, but every time someone says to me, "oh well just go exercise if you're feeling down about yourself!" I want to turn around and say, OKAY I WILL GO HOP ON THE TREADMILL FOR 4 HOURS BECAUSE THAT REALLY HELPED MY DEPRESSION/EATING DISORDER ISSUES IN THE PAST!
If Vanity Fair interviewed me when I was 22, I'm sure I'd sound like a pompous, inflated asshole as well. Because that's what 22 year olds sound like*. It's that precious age where you think you're really old and deep, but really you're still a baby.
It's ridiculous that this even HAS to go to senate, but honestly - it wasn't expected to pass. Many pundits believe it was Obama's way of drawing attention to the anti-women-ness of the repuglicans prior to the election, "well remember that one time when I tried to get you all straight with your paychecks...". Not…
I can understand not turning off street lights (even in my area, which is relatively safe, I feel WAY less secure when the street lights are out) but I never understood why businesses, particularly office buildings, leave their lights on all night. It seems so wasteful and ridiculous to me. For the businesses as well…
Want to see a dead city (though city may be a stretch)... check out Centralia, PA.
God damnit I looked everywhere for a picture from the South Park "Your Mom's Boobs" episode with the nipples drawn on Cartman's ass... but alas the internet DID NOT PROVIDE! Probably the ONLY time the internet did not provide the bewbs that were searched for!
Duh. It's what plants crave.
I like my government out of business, and in MY business. Like way up in my vagina.