LaQuoi Darling

Sweetie, I think you are right, most second messages are along the lines of 'yes/no' or 'Hello?' and my favourite 'wow 12 minutes just wow'. 12 minutes is FAST answer time I think and complaining and not answering simple questions is not panty dropping behaviour.

Hank Williams bio pic makes me so happy!

No specific advice on Australia except travel is wonderful and you should try it! Jessica Simpson jeans fit amazingly at the hip, thigh and waist if you are small/normal waisted with booty. I <3 them!

Victoria is very pretty and has much less problems (crime/drugs) than Vancouver. Victoria is really a tourist destination worth a look. I think there may even be seal viewings and there are some lovely gardens.

I visited Victoria a few years ago and saw Orcas in a small zodiac for about CDN$80 - prices around $100 now. It was AMAZING! The one I used left from the Empress Hotel.

I think cassiebearRAWR would prefers Farley Mowat's version :)

Try dragging it onto your desktop

When did she sleep?! I would crack and it would not be pretty!

ALL those are terrible!

It really is the perfect fridge!

Sweetie, you win. That is awful, I hope you are stocked up so the drinking doesn't stop. The pot pies alone are an abomination. Glad you are safe, the news looks crazy!, but of course that is very relative here...

Please do not share a TRUE horror story without a warning!!

Did you bury it?

or was it?? LOL

Ouchie, think of the paper cuts ...

These are beautiful! What medium?

Good point. I thought it better to be safely out and losing a favoured possession rather than a needed item. A safe escort is an important option to have available.

Not your main point but I feel your pain on the lost Patti Smith jacket, sometimes certain clothes can be imbued with magic. I have a shirt that allows me to me handsome travellers when I wear it.

It would be easier to believe she was pushed to her breaking point if she hand't left the store to chase the woman down to attack her. That is more vengeance than breaking point.

I think a parent that has the control to follow a system of parenting to minimize temper tantrums would master NOT punching people in the face first.