LaQuoi Darling

Yes but the penis haver wasn't asking for surgery and didn't want it. And he was given the ability to make a decision about his bits that was not afforded to my friend.

There is a point if the reasons for being denied a procedure is paternalistic. Medically she was eventually approved for the procedures - nearly a decade later. One would think surgery risks for an older person would be higher.

True but the person with the penis was not asking for a vasectomy. And why allow him the choice of surgical birth control even if it is cheaper and easier when the reason her request was refused was that she was young and could change her mind.

I didn't understand how HE would be a more suitable candidate as he wasn't the one asking for a procedure! But he would know his mind more I guess.

Thank you for your willingness to discuss Mpreg, you shouldn't be hung out to dry over a single word but it is loaded in this context. Especially since rights to control birth control and pregnancy decisions are under fire today. Squandered brought to mind A Handmaid's Tale for me.

A friend also had to wait several years for the procedure even WITH her husband's approval and support (not that it was needed but it was there), the Dr suggested Husband get fixed instead. It would be fine, and not squanderous, at all for him to make a surgical birth control choice at a 'young' age but not my friend.

Exactly! A lot of doctors are okaying other elective surgeries without this judgement. It is naive at best to argue otherwise.