Lannister Handjob

Unfortunately many countries have found that legalizing sex work doesn’t help with cracking down on trafficking. The US is a particularly difficult country to talk about, though, because there are fewer social services (e.g. welfare) in the US (compared to other western countries) that sex workers could turn to as an

Thank you, Michael, for this special eloquence today (you are eloquent every day, but this had a special kind of Claude McKay feel to it, today on the 50-year anniversary).

I also tip more on breakfast and lunch if the bill is cheap because an extra $5 can make a difference (spoken from past experience).

I’m of the opinion that restaurants should have to pay servers a living wage and tipping should not be mandatory.

I thought she meant it would be a really obvious, unique name (she can’t say his first name is Keanu and still have it be a secret) but apparently we think she’s clever enough to do a misdirect like using the real name.

Cautiously optimistic. Been following Bryce and O’Rourke on twitter and they say and do the right things. In a blue state these guys would be rock stars heading to easy victory. (the primary would have been the real fight)

Happy to have contributed to that $6.7 million. Voted for Beto in the primary and I will vote for him in November. Much to the chagrin of my neighbors, I had a big ole Beto sign in my yard - and I will return it to my yard within the pre election timing restrictions imposed by my HOA. I am so very tired of being

I’d be interested to see the data on where contributions are coming from. I threw a couple bucks his way along with Randy Bryce and I can’t vote for either. Unseating Cruz and Paul Ryan seems so symbolically significant to me, especially with their essentially complete bowing to Trump after their initial little show

I can buy it as well. Worked on enough projects where the work we’d done was thrown out because the customer changed what they wanted, management kissed ass, and the customer didn’t change the due date.

I don’t think she’s running to win. I think she is running to force him to shift on her areas of interest. She just needs to stir the pot enough to make him acknowledge whatever failings his current ideology. That’s pretty much what Bernie was trying to do with Hillary before he got it into his head that he could

Frankly, I’m considering that as a possibility, too and them showing up at Mar-a-Lago together over Easter has only stoked the flames of my suspicion.

I thought the joke was a Mean Girls reference about one’s hair being a vessel for secrets.

Dear ABC: the jilted ex-girlfriend’s opinion of the new girlfriend is never accurate.

Honestly, I also think a lot of women feel pressured to become even bigger assholes than some of their male peers in order to succeed.

I’ve seen people fetishize US culture in the same way. France has a strong tradition of literary intellectualism that deeply influenced American postmodern thinking, and I think that led people to assume they’re intellectually superior in every way. Which is blatant bullshit. They have as many blind spots and

Steadfastly and stubbornly refusing to let go of the past is basically France’s national pastime.

I’m inclined to believe her too, and I’m also pretty convinced that France has pulled some sort of massive (and successful) marketing campaign on Americans. France is a pretty ordinary country. It has its rednecks and its backwoods weirdos just like the US. Its biggest city is notably sophisticated...just like the US.

Asiago Sargento wants to know why she can’t get work in Hollywood.

Breillat is the Cool Girl of French cinema. I sincerely hope to see less of her type of male-gaze-friendly films from the next generation of women directors.

“During the scene she wouldn’t call CUT , so the main actor almost fainted and he took it on me,” she writes. “We got in a ‘fist fight’ while Breillat sneered in the back.”