Lannister Handjob

If Hillary gets paid for speeches, she’s a greedy bitch. If she gets paid less, she’s a failure. If she goes away (to, say, walk in the woods) she’s ridiculed. If she writes a book. If she trips while on vacation. If she has pneumonia. If she wears makeup. If she doesn’t wear makeup. She’s the patron saint of Women

There are low key kinds that don’t take much work. Just enjoying the white privilege while denying its existence and claiming you don’t see colour/slavery was a long time ago and POC should just get over it seems to be something a huge number of people manage without breaking a sweat.

I would have mad respect for a dude who called me a “dirty potato digger” based upon the shape and color of my earlobes. That would be pro-tier racism.

I think I’d just be that racist person who denies that racism exists. I’d enjoy all the privileges but then just deny I have them.

As someone who is bicultural and can be both oppressor and oppressed depending on the sitch, I have to say it’s not fun to be on the racist side. It’s demoralizing, and I don’t know what kind of animal you would have to be to find it fun.

“I just wanted to have that dialogue about families torn apart by the election and their political differences of opinion and how we handle it.”

I can’t support someone as vile as Barr. Will and Grace and Queer Eye for me, please.

I think Diversity Hire is wrong.

They’re a known troll and way too often let out of the grays for reasons I’ve yet to grasp.

Don’t bring out the trolls and just keep them in hell. And that troll is just running rampant.

Ah yes, it’s very common for black people to refer to themselves as “blacks.” You are definitely a real black person.

They are worthless as we found out in November 2016.

actually, voter registration is a much more tangible action step than ‘having a list of demands.’ And as those who attended the marches have all attested to, there were GOTV efforts organized at these “pep rallies.”

You: The poll I disagree with is off because...too many college students

When gun-trolls feign concern for “black on black” violence as a way to avoid talking about guns and people issues, they may not realize that what many of us want would also help with the stereotype of black on black violence they pretend to suddenly be concerned about.

It’s also ironic because they think one of the solutions to school shootings is anti-bullying measures and yet they are bullying a teenager.

Vote vote vote vote vote. Vote in every local election. Vote every time they crack the door to the polling place. Fucking VOTE.

Agreed. An allowance for minors to marry, if they have parental consent, is really there so that religious fundamentalists (mostly of the Christian persuasion) can skirt what is otherwise the law for everyone else. It’s ripe for abuse: all that parents have to do is coerce their young, confused, dependent daughters

Another reason why all marriages, even those with parental consent, should be illegal for minors to entire into.

So the biggest question I see everyone ignoring is: