Lannister Handjob

Exactly. Avenue Q got the same bs for the subversive sexual and LGBT stories.. and this is the same. Puppets are funny for kids and grown-ups!

All those negatives are why NYers watch.

Liberals taking the high road gets us Trumped.

I’m gonna say “I didn’t even want to vote” means she was voting Hills under duress of wtf she knew Trump would bring.

Of course they have. Wow.

Makes homeschooling look better every damn day.

Wait you’re kidding right because Thandie is killing it as Maeve on West World!

I think I’ve been banned but I’m not sure. Plz reply if you can see this.


I always get stuck after the hors d’o- oh.. overs? No. And Siri is no help. Good googlin tho I would have let you have it! accusation that was found in court to be untrue and then he was awarded full custody of their children? I wonder if the kids didn’t corroborate her account?

Tomei. 😂

Ok, but you spelled it. I spent SO LONG looking it up a few weeks ago for a throwaway joke in a group chat and I’d still spell it wrong today.

Yes. Napoleon Dynamite killed me with the quesadilla for the stupid llama and now I’m perpetually saying it like the worst white person ever.


Goddamnit, Gary.

You’re the only one, man. Your misogyny is showing.

Has Serkis done prosthetics work? (I don’t have time to research his background but I thought he came from theatre and similar work as Jones pre-mo-cap)

I did mean contemporary but didn’t write that. Good catch!

What? This is awesome!! I love Alien and this is a wonderful bit of trivia.