Lannister Handjob

Forbes has become the People magazine of financial matters. Meaning, it’s a “friend to the stars.”

Fuck that, I want a tshirt with the logo as designed on it.

Aww c’mon, low-brow comedy is fun in these here dark times.

But why does your presumably five year old grandson have accesss to red band trailers on YouTube. I will never understand parents who give their children unfettered access to the internet then complain about their kid watching something for adults and/or porn.

How is this any worse or different to Avenue Q?

For any case in which the re-imagined work can potentially entertain people, I think it’s totally awesome. Even if it doesn’t accomplish that, it’s still harmless. I say, let Dora punch a fox.

They really look like they were typecast for this exact sort of thing, don’t they? Smug, defiant Watschengesichter.

This shit. The whole “we just have to wait for the Baby Boomers to die off” mentality is just white nonsense that allows people to not actually change anything.

“Watching a wife and mother be humiliated on national television for her looks is deplorable ... All women have a duty to unite when these attacks happen and the WHCA owes Sarah an apology.”

We all know how much the Orange Menace had criticized and mocked women for their appearance so for me any woman who works for him and defends him is fair game.

Everyone pretending the jokes were about SHS’s appearance is projecting like crazy. They privately think and even joke about Sanders’ looks constantly and so read any comments about her through that lens.

Right? That these delicate dingos automatically see being likened to a Dowd character as about looks is fucking telling.

This is distraction. It’s them “beating us at our own game”. Ignore all the irrelevant bullshit and vote.

Remember, people:

They are trying to appear balanced to the people who will never appreciate it. Kinda like CNN played Pissman’s rallies for free and he goes after them the hardest. Fuck em all. And besides, republicans claim that only snowflakes get offended, so everyone should be all set.

Sanders should be so lucky to have any association with the incomparable Ann Dowd. The similarities between her — a humorless, true believing martinet — and Aunt Lydia, was a sharp and funny take.

Hell, President Wario might just give Bruno Ganz a run for his money performance-wise in terms of “Who better captures the mindset of a Bunkered-and-Desperate Hitler”.

On a side note, I’m baffled there isn’t already a meme of this video with 45's head superimposed over Hitler’s and subtitles referencing the Muller

Yep, it’s been talked about how Mueller is at the very least threatening state charges against the people he’s going after to flip them.

Why would he even say “this is an attack on America”? 

Yeahhhhh pretty sure the stock market is still flipping out about Trump’s disastrous attempts to start a global trade war...not Mueller.