Lannister Handjob

Johnny Recoveryseed!

Because trans men and gender nonconforming who have a uterus also menstruate.


Only if ya follow it up with corporate policy that teaches this incident and have a clear channel for reporting profiling.

Glad she’s getting all this love and appreciation. We usually save it for dead celebrities!

The only Abrahamic law we will tolerate is OURS something-something Christian nation Jesus is white. /s

You stepped in it, Liz.

Here for the screen caps and no replies to tired trolls!

I like the dad-cuck take! esp hot for those praying to the alter of Drumpf

Thank you. I will be much more thoughtful going forward. Off to check that link! I saw that piece pop up yesterday and didn’t get to it, so the reminder is great before it gets lost in the MP shuffle. I’ll pay more attention to my bias and also more carefully weigh the worth of a joke (trying to get out of the greys,

I’m sorry, Roo. I really don’t know what I did. I don’t feel wronged, I’m just confused. Sorry. I don’t expect to get treated with kid gloves, but I was really just riffing off a topical joke about the tide pods and white people being insufferably unable to accept “no” because we are not used to it? Because the world

We are largely oblivious to it, agreed, but I am not surprised by those fighting back.. did I say that?

In middle school I remember my history/social studies teacher just blowing through a devastating list of anti-Semitic slurs and it blew my mind how many words and phrases terrible, small people had crafted to put down the Jewish people who lived in their own communities. I had only heard a one or two of the common

Let’s just point out that the Tide Pod Challenge shows that white people can’t be told what to do, not even for our own health and safety. We are unused to it.

Unless they weren’t really friends and Kathy was the SJP that Anderson was glad to drop!

There’s so many insta-girls thirsting this look.

...but maybe Yeezy should call JJ Abrams?

Seriously. This shot has Paris looking thick... is that because she’s engaged now or photoshop?


Duh, obvs because the jails are full of marijuana growers, dealers and smokers. No room for rapists and molesters!