Most problematic was the unusual control that the author,
Most problematic was the unusual control that the author,
You are really melodramatic for being a troll.
I know people wil say I’m exaggerating, but it’s my firm belief that it’s this kind of thing that lay the grounds for normalizing victim-blaming in rape.
High school me would just have just said fuck it and chucked the bra. If you thought the straps were distracting wait until you see these G’s sway.
I’m thinking Kesha is a huge Bee Movie fan, and has no idea who Seinfeld is outside of that role.
In the US legal system, none of six have a good chance to begin with and all of them will be called liars either way. Falsely accusing someone of identity theft does not make all future victims of identity theft incredible. The reason one false accusation seems to invalidate all others when it comes to sexual assault…
Well of course that’s worse because it destroys a man, where actual sexual assault typically destroys a woman and I think we all know whose life is more valuable here.
I teared up when they ate ice cream. I can’t imagine what it would be like to eat in public and not care what anyone thinks.
Meanwhile the next Democrat that says “these people are racist jerks” will get called out for their hate speech.
In other news, 10 waitlisted teens suddenly have their prayers answered.
Somedays I wish that video games weren’t so outlandish. For example, why can’t Bioshock be real. Why can’t we have an asshole with to much time and to much money be able to build an underwater city where all these assholes who hate the government and hate everyone not like them can live in their own little underwater…
Hell, Alabama would give them tuition, room, board and VIP sideline passes for all football games in exchange for 60 grand.
Hey stop treating us warriors like normies.
Nice try, but Trump is still President.
I’m 31 and have a friend who is 21 and I have to mentally check myself to not treat her like the tiny little baby that she is.
Frank Ocean has extremely questionable taste in friends. Whatevs, just as long as he keeps giving us music.
Perhaps you should take your own advice...or are you just going to IGNORE all of the context (i.e., voter suppression...sexism...Russians dumping emails...etc., etc.)...I mean...MY GAWD...the GOP had to get a WHOLE NOTHER SUPERPOWER...just to eek out a cheating win this time...I guess in order to win next…
It makes me want to cry that our female candidate knew she had to practice not being physically intimidated by her opposition.
It probably was bullshit invented by men who felt threatened by the idea of independent women who didn’t need a man to survive.