
I was about to say her manfriend is super hot too but then realized I was thinking of Hilary Duff and have no idea who Mandy is with

We have a saying in Spanish that roughly translates to "weeds (bad herb, if you want to transliterate) never die". It applies to evil people who seem to live forever.

Yeah, like how Mitch McConnell is proof that hypocrisy isn’t bad for you, even in the tiniest degree. If it was, he’d be a smoking grease stain on the floor.

Maybe Trey and Matt weren’t intending to say that

Famous nihilists insist, “No, we care about this one thing now.”

Thanks for your sacrifice.

It’s a fair question and certainly worth a deeper dive. I’m uncomfortable with the explanation that kids are being bullied themselves or being abused at home. That’s certainly true, but other equally plausible explanations aren’t as popular such as learned behavior from a parent or brazen cruelty for fun or trying to

I don’t think there’s a single answer to this - I think you’d have to judge it based on the person as they are now and whether it seems like they’ve actually changed.

Here’s what I say to ex bullies and other people who were shitty to me in my youth when they try to friend me on FB:

I see what you’re saying and I think it’s a valid question. I went to a very sheltered grade school and high school. Very white. Very privileged. I had some very terrible friends and I adopted some very terrible opinions and thought some very horrible things were hilarious. I went to college and opened my mind and

Can someone tell me what the hell this means? This is a level of navel-gazing that would embarrass an ouroboros.

“Trump hit rock bottom today. He couldn’t possibly go any lower, right?”

About 1970.

Please don’t slander goats by comparing them to that piece of garbage.  

Claiming to retire is where all the real $$$ is for musicians nowadays.

It looks like the moustaches my male-peers grew in high school in support of testicular awareness month.

Donald Trump Jr looks like the villain in a movie where the hero is a Golden Retriever 

Thankfully, no one gives a fuck what you think. 

There’s never anything convenient about deciding that you’re going to go through the public ridicule, doubt, and disdain that comes with reporting sexual assault.

Why are you okay with all of Trump’s lies, both as a candidate and as president?