
Apologies if this made the dirt bag cut yesterday but Mandy Moore got married and I want to wish her happiness after being with the monstrously terrible Ryan Adams for so long!

Apologies if this made the dirt bag cut yesterday but Mandy Moore got married and I want to wish her happiness after being with the monstrously terrible Ryan Adams for so long!

Bad people never die. Dick Cheney doesn’t even have a pulse anymore and he’s still alive somehow. I suppose many would question whether he even had a pulse to begin with.

I’m not sure I’d ever want to be a Bieber. I’m also pretty positive I’d never want to be a Baldwin. There were really no good choices here. I wish this very young woman luck.


I don’t know...even on Regular People social media whenever someone dies people tend to post pictures of themselves with that person. Admittedly, it might be less weird because they probably know that person pretty well and they’re not trying to humble brag about meeting Dolores in Accounting multiple times but I’m

I cannot stand these two, especially him. I don’t really have any justifiable reason or explanation for it but I feel like they’ll eventually give me one. 

Controversial opinion: Donald Trump is a soulless piece of shit. 

He didn’t even lose his fucking license to practice? I always hoped they weeded these sick fucks out in medical school.

I feel like a lot of people won’t click on the Matt Damon link so I just want you all to know that they set him on fire.

She’s gonna do it, isn’t she? She’s going to be the biggest stain on the Huckabee name. Even with a dog abuser as a brother and Mike as a father (enough said) future generations will look back on the Huckabee legacy and say, “You know, Sarah was really the nail in the coffin.”

This is a faked story clearly dreamt up by Communist Clinton and Overspend Obama to hurt Republicans in the midterms!” - My dad, more than likely

This will read as rhetorical but it’s actually a genuine question...what age do we all agree that a person or kid is old enough to know better? I ask because I feel like as Twitter ages we’re going to see a lot of kids who were saying edgelord or just downright racist and sexist stuff on the internet in middle school

Jesus, I bet even John Mayer is reading this and thinking “What a douchebag.”

Cardi can order a hit out on every woman in Queens and it won’t stop Offset from cheating. You just have to throw the whole man out.

Is Paul Simon going on to promote his retirement? He literally just gave his last performance this past week.

I kind of forgot that Matt Damon can be a really enjoyable actor.

Timothee Chalamet’s hair is fine by me but that little struggle mustache he’s got going on is not. I know he’s legally an adult but his attempt at facial hair actually makes him look younger to me, idk.

Samantha Markle sucks but not going to lie...I kind of see it.

I hope she’s okay. She’s had to go through so much unimaginable shit and has handled it much better than I could have despite being much younger.