
Can everyone control their impulses to collectively shit on this film until it’s actually been released?

Trump: The problem isn’t the misconduct of my administration, it is people leaking the details of our misconduct.

You can’t do this!! You can’t have a black actor playing a white man in a beloved play. Jesus people. That would be liking making a woman and a black man as the lead in a Star Wars film and expecting it to be successful. That’s crazy talk.

I will defend her if you won’t: SHE AIN’T WRONG.

Shittiness which has been documented on this very site against this very site and its commentariat:

I love how FTFS equates taking non consensual nudes of someone and then publicly posting them is just a mistake or a lapse in judgement. Like not sending a thank you note or gossiping. I’d love to see them as a defense attorney in a murder case. “Okay, so my client stabbed someone. What? And you’re so perfect?”

Here’s the best answer I can come up with after a lifetime of thinking about it:

No. Just, no. She’s not being smacked down because she’s a “pretty white girl.” No one here is “jealous.” She’s being smacked down because she was being an abusive piece of shit who violated the privacy of an old woman and got caught. This was no “momentary lapse in judgement.” This was being an entitled asshole with

She ranted about how bad Drumpf is when sge was employed by Cruz, then turnef arounf and said he was the bigliest for money. Burn in hell, Conjob.

Yeah, I’m over here like, finally one of these fuckers gets his target right. No sympathy for this douchebag.

“ seems that this act was directed towards his ex-girlfriend, towards whom he had a violent history of domestic abuse.”

Babies? New York? Seems like a good excuse as any to share this tacky ass picture that I’ve been obsessed with all day.

“What brings us together is that we are very scared, highly unintelligent; both intellectually and emotionally, extremely bigoted, wrong, and soon to be forgotten very quickly.”

Aw flowers, so nice of you Taylor. Maybe you haven’t heard, but since you’ve been in hiding, Nicki is paying for people’s school. Time to step it up, girl.

I think she assumed the American electorate was reasonably intelligent and would be swayed by logic, reason, preparedness, etc. A devastating miscalculation.

This may just be my existential despair talking, but most of the time I feel like nothing she could have done would have made a difference. We still would have ended up with the Cheeto in Chief because everybody is sexist and racist and life is terrible and we’re all going to die. 

What Went Wrong: Racist Americans would rather set the country on fire than spend one more minute with an uppity nigger or a woman in the White House.

“Obviously, I’ve done a lot of soul searching over the past few months and I’ve come to a conclusion: I’ve realized that I’m really, really important.”

You’ve haven’t won any battles, wars or anything to have earned the right to a war bonnet. Fuck you for equating it to a cowboy hat.