
Just yesterday I explained to an Irish friend that "bless your heart" in the South is code for "go fuck yourself." He was horrified because he says "bless your heart" to people all the time, and I had to assure him he wasn't telling people to go fuck themselves; most people in Boston can tell the difference between an

Girrrl, white Americans just Columbused bless.

Way to bury the lede, Davies:

so cute! i want one.

Oh they're an exercise all right, an exercise in torture. I would argue that one burpee is a burpee too many. My knees hurt just thinking about them.

"If the Third Reich was so bad, it would have been toppled," Um, what?

""He made me call my 93 year old grandma to thank her for my baby blue eyes!" That seriously sounds like something The Onion's Joe Biden would do right before offering her some pot or a ride in his firebird.

You can read? You're literate, too? You must be a man. Or an unattractive woman.

Seeing as both her parents are journalists (her father a writer, too, I believe) and she loved reading and chose her screen name from Oscar Wilde, I don't think it's a stretch to see you can be both pretty AND a multidimensional person :)

(after "Fantasia".)

Cats will never be played out.

The place where bullshit crunchy liberalism and bullshit libertarian conservatism converge is around being anti-science and as those voices grow increasingly louder and more hysterical I, for one, am terrified for the future of rationality and good judgement.

My husband dropped out of college and makes significantly more than me. Plus he has way less debt. I AM however, better at trivial pursuit.

Ah, yes, I'm sure everyone here applauds your great foresight in being born with abilities in the STEM fields, because everyone knows it's either that or artisanal toast making.

blabla STEM blabla drunk uncle blabla go somewhere cheaper blabla in my day! blabla old economy Steve blabla you deserve it

I'm not comfortable with this at all.

Hands down, 1999-the early aughts. Belly chains, platform sandals, bindis as fashion accessories, juicy sweatsuits, shiny material things because THE MILLENNIUM IS COMING...I could go on forever.

Um, this decade? SAY NO TO NORMCORE

OG Millennial here too and I'm with you. I'm working on training the olds I work with not to bother leaving voicemails anymore because as soon as I see so-and-so called, without listening to the message, I'll call them back. When they ask if I heard their VM, I just say no, I hate voicemail, just tell me what's going

But where was Michelle?! Probably in Aisle 8 stocking up on laundry detergent.