Meanwhile, in America, horribly obnoxious car commercials with terrible music continue to air, encouraging us to drive our nissans onto the top of an elevated train.
Meanwhile, in America, horribly obnoxious car commercials with terrible music continue to air, encouraging us to drive our nissans onto the top of an elevated train.
Once I had a roommate that stole my credit card the Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving, and I didn't realize until I was at the airport and attempted to pull out my credit card to get my boarding pass. They spent about $70 dollars between our college and their hometown (at Autozone, walmart, etc.). She was the…
Me too, it made me think of a tapestry from the late middle ages.
wait! at first i was like "Aww, those two kittens are so cute" and then it was like BAM "there's a third!??!" I can't!
This is new? I used to do this when I was in HS (and I graduated nine years ago), except instead of texting it would be late night AIM chats and the such. Best time to use dial-up, obvi, since no one is gonna call at 2am.
From personal experience, the protesters skew older, like the social security/pensioner set, with nothing else to do than make already distressed people feel even more distressed.
There's a lot of co-morbidity between bulimia and excess alcohol/drug use. I'm a mostly recovered bulimic, and I really struggle with binge drinking.
I live in NYC but work in Downtown Jersey City, so where does this leave me? Stressed at home, but calm at work?
Glad to know my beach showed up 0% each time it was tested last year. Sadly, the beach was recently closed because of some issues with a dysfunctional valve that allowed sewage to leak into a nearby harbor. gross.
And the episode about privacy/nudity/censorship/art. And the restaurant "chokey chicken." and Mrs. Bigheads strong come ons to Rocko. And basically everything else about that glorious show.
I met one of Sting's sons several times back in high school. He was cute, talented, and seemed pretty down to earth. I only realized several times after I'd met him he was Sting's son (he never mentioned it). Based on my own experiences meeting Sting's progeny, I'm sure they'll manage fine without the extra money.
In the US, a lot of processed bread that comes pre sliced and bagged has high fructose corn syrup in it, which is ridiculous. Pre-made bread crumbs also have HFCS. HFCS pops up in the weirdest places.
I was 13 (seventh grade). It was pretty spotty the first few months, and in hindsight pretty average. BUT, I milked the shit out of my first few periods to get out of swim team practice!
Please, humanities degrees can definitely pay off in a number of different fields. I am a 27 year old English major, and I make $70,000 writing for a Fortune 1000 financial services firm. I use my degree everyday, and I hold a job I enjoy. Someone has to communicate the STEM degree holders' ideas and concepts in a…
America's most powerful women they're just like us! They go to Costco.
Doesn't putting someone in jail actually cost the city money? Doesn't it make more sense to do community service rather than jail time to pay down fines?
It shouldn't though! I have three half-siblings that are between 11-15 years older than me!
My mistake, I remember checking out his wiki page when OITNB first came out, but I must have my facts mixed up.
He's Liev's half-nephew. Pablo (named after Neruda) is the son of Liev's half-brother.
I gave up meat seven months ago, but goddamn if I still don't crave (tomatoless) Gyros!