
Images and gifs of cute animals. I am a fan of r/awwducational myself.

I really thought this was common knowledge? Never shop the "factory" stuff, just wait for the non-factory apparel/accessories to go on sale. I will say that a lot of J. Crew stuff has gone down in quality, but if you wait it out, you will find deals and certain items do hold up well. Yesterday I picked up a pair of

Something similar happened to me recently, except instead of me trying to wake up my cat my cat was attempting to wake a very sleepy me up at 5:02 this morning.

Uh, why aren't they doing their own laundry? Or making their own food? I'm mid-20s and live part-time at home and definitely do my own laundry (occasionally I'll wash some of my mom's stuff if the load is too light, to avoid being wasteful). I am more or less in charge of my own food, too. I don't get it. Don't

When I was 17 I worked in a really abusive restaurant environment. It was an upscale place, but overrated (the NY Times gave it a meh it's ok review) but it had a great location in an nice NY suburb, and it was generally packed. But, like I said, super abusive environment because the owner was an old, racist, sexist,

Well, my sister and her ex-wife met Cyndi Lauper a few years back and took a couple of photos with her. My sister showed us the pictures and it Cyndi in the middle her arms seemingly behind my sister and her ex, as if though they were resting on their backs, and my sister and ex's hands the same with Cyndi. However,

Hmm, probably the playground where i lost my virginity at 17. Or recently, the just uphill off the trails near Mohonk (really randomly, driving back from way upstate, we decided to stop and bone in the woods).

Very disappointed to see my school on this list. We're a small, liberal institution and one of the earliest co-educational colleges in the US (#3). I expect more based on the image the school projects, but when I think back to my freshman year I do recall dissatisfaction by some students with the way a sexual assault

A HS senior from Teaneck actually commented on the prank over on Gawker. They said that several fractured groups with no clear goal showed up, so while some people were doing the more benign jelly on the door trick, other HS asshats were pissing allover the place like untrained dogs.

People make my first name much harder to say than it really is. Because people are morons. It's a fairly common last name, and it sounds like it looks.

New York and New Jersey are tied because in NY it's immigrants in NYC who dream of the space the yards/homes of neighboring NJ and the like, but in NJ it's kids who aspire to move to NYC.

Well, I just spent a whopping $420 on my cat last night, but I am not in any of the aforementioned cities. Of course, the $420 was emergency medical expenses and not a silly cat tiara (which my cat would hate to wear anyway), so I guess it doesn't really count.

Being from Northern NJ, I tend to swear a lot. Much to the chagrin of my more reserved Massachusetts-raised mother (who likes to claim I am "too educated" to speak in such a manner, which I think is bullshit).

Back to a house with linoleum floors for teresa. Frickin' linoleum floors!

OOO! In college a friend and i were thinking about which one of our professors most likely would have a public myspace (it was 2006) and we decided this one teacher DEFINITELY would have one, so we searched, and sure enough he had a myspace profile. On his about me section he had filled out one of those super long

I honestly have no idea...but like clockwork he's at my side at 5:30 repeatedly touching my face with his paw and meowing until I wake up to feed him. If the old paw and meow trick don't work, the little bugger will nip my elbow! EVERY TIME!

Yes, when she put down her weights and picked up her bright pink lipstick and applied it I gawked a bit and was like...da fuq?

Well, I didn't say I prioritize sleep over seeing my friends or taking care of my cat. I just prioritize sleep over taking the time to apply makeup. I mean, I literally sleep until the last minute possible in the morning and am out the door in 10 minutes (I'm a night shower taker to further reduce my morning time)

Me too...I own make up but I don't really know where to begin with application because I've been too busy sleeping as late as I possibly can all these years.

I don't understand the gym makeup thing at all! Like, you're going to sweat, and get ruddy, and not look great, so what's the point? A couple weeks ago I was at the gym doing some circuit training and there was a woman, about my age, near me reapplying her lipstick every time she finished a set of lifting. I was