I don't wear makeup, but that's because I'm really hyped on this new trend called "getting a lot of sleep and waking up as late as i can get away with before i have to get ready for work."
I don't wear makeup, but that's because I'm really hyped on this new trend called "getting a lot of sleep and waking up as late as i can get away with before i have to get ready for work."
YES! this is the best chocolate bar. This ranking should really just be of ritter sport bars, because they are the greatest.
People are so frickin' dumb.
I have a revenge-esque story. During my college years, I spent summers bartending and cocktail waitressing at a local bar. One Friday I was cocktail waitressing and a largish group of people around my age came in. They were my biggest table, and they were ordering rounds and rounds of beers and shots and cocktails.…
This is why you can take insurance out on rings. My mother had a tiffany engagement ring worth a few thousand, and a couple years ago the diamond fell out. My parents filed a claim and got paid out. Easy-peasy.
Jesus christ, people need to get a fucking grip.
It's a lot easier to not let sexism get in your way when you're a billionaire by birth.
IT'S DEFINITELY THE SAME. It come on last night while i was watching "Lindsay" on demand.
Yes. It's crazy. The stories people would tell me about my being on ambien and the bizarre posts on facebook that i'd notice the following day were insane. I was on it for years and after a while I'd just walk around in an ambien trance for a couple hours after I took it but would remember nothing.
I've been told the same by a conductor-friend about the water in train bathrooms (commuter rail, Amtrak). just better not to touch it at all and use hand sanitizer instead.
I went to college in NC (graduated five years ago this May) and do greatly miss the weather. A friend of mine just posted about how it's going to be 80 degrees this Friday. It's going to be 48 degrees where I am this Friday. When I moved back home following graduation my mother was like WHY DIDN'T YOU STAY! I…
When my friends in Carrboro talk about how expensive Carrboro is compared to the rest of NC but then tell me they pay $550 for a one bedroom and I'm in the Northeast and I'm like, "yeah." I constantly think about applying to jobs in the triangle because I know my salary would not take a hit and I'd get to live…
So, after few months at my first adult job in the big city we had a rooftop summer party on a sweltering hot 106F degree day. At the time I was 23 and writing for a publication owned by a large, multinational publishing company. Being an international corporation, a number of our colleagues had come over from our…
But the gloves will get dirty (handling cash or raw meat or whatever) and people may forget to change them, so this law seems really counterproductive and flawed.
I went the Valium, laughing gas, and Novocaine route with my extraction. I was awake but high as a mother fuckin' kite and as such totally unbothered by the procedure! The only thing i disliked about the procedure was that I'd never before used Novocaine, and the doctor numbed my mouth last (20 minutes after they put…
In a perfect world everyone would have a toaster oven and an air popper for popcorn so they won't need to eat that microwaved movie popcorn schwag (that gives microwave popcorn factory employees lung cancer).
ok, but what i want to know is what color lipstick is Kesha (nee Ke$ha) wearing? I WANT IT.
impossible. Scientology doesn't BELIEVE in dyslexia.
I feel like I've read serving sizes are additionally made smaller because it allows companies to keep from disclosing that there is trans fats in a single serving (anything under .5 grams I think). Making it harder for tricky food companies to trick us!