Inhareno is absolute genius!
Inhareno is absolute genius!
Totally agree with Grass/Fighting for Grookey! With Scorbunny looking like its going to be all about speed I’m wondering if it’ll be Fire/Electric? And with Sobble being invisible when it comes out of the water could it possibly be Water/Ghost?
My mind went to ‘Scorch’bunny because its the Fire type, but this works as well!
I always pick the Water starter, Water is my favourite type in Pokemon games, but at the moment I’m kind of underwhelmed with Sobble. I’m hoping it gets some badass evolutions but at present Scorbunny looks the best in my opinion.
Wait..a brand new style of Link? Can we get him in Ultimate?!
I think in another article Fahey mentioned he had called his Eevee Jinx!
So I think I have an answer to this one. Unlike in Go, Let’s Go has zone of the circle where it won’t register as a nice, great or excellent thow. I’ve only managed to get one nice throw in the 8 hours I’ve put into the game so far and the circle had contracted a little before I hit it.
You can, you get experience from catching wild Pokémon AND trainer battles, although at the moment in my playthrough at least it seems you get waaaaaay more xp from catching than battling. Battling is still good for getting cash though, and the candy you can collect is only for boosting Pokémon stats, not levels.
This is a problem I’m having as I’m exclusively playing with friends, it can be hard to focus on story, holotapes and notes when you have people talking in your ear. Some of the stories we’ve come across have been great (the whole Mistress of Mystery questline is really good) and I can’t wait to see what is hidden…
Also, Guzma’s battle theme is amazing!
I was discussing this with a friend of mine a few weeks ago, we had the idea of setting a Fallout game in the UK, but unlike America their culture got stuck in the 60's rather than the 50's. Although then we worried it would all get a bit too much like We Happy Few.
Pikachu and Eevee can’t evolve, but I’m sure Gita said in her review that Eevee can learn unique moves based on the types of all of it’s Eeveelutions, so that’s a unique fire, water, electric, dark, psychic, grass, ice and fairy move that it can learn. That sounds awesome! Can’t wait to rock up to Lance with Eevee…
I finally hit the stash limit last night, which is surprising considering how much I hoard things in these kind of games. Been breaking down a lot of weapons and armour though so that has probably held off the inevitable. Loaded up on items to sell and running with a rank 3 Action Girl perk card to hold off the AP…
And in the King K. Rool reveal trailer King Dedede was stomped flat! Sakurai giveth and Sakurai taketh away.
It isn’t a requirement, you can manage a sloop solo with relative ease. It is laid out so that most of the major sailing components are with arms reach of the helm, but getting used to steering, adjusting sail angle and sail length can get a wee bit of getting used to. In my opinion it is much better with a group of…
I came to ask the very same thing! I loved that game because I loved the film but jeez it was brutal. I remember getting the boat *once* in all my playthroughs, I don’t even think that’s close to the end of the game!
I watched an video where someone had a chat to the developers about this, the monster in Behemoth’s mouth is apparently a Deviljho! This thing is going to be massive!
The only one which sticks out in my mind for Fallout 4 was Vault 118 in the Far Harbour DLC, which had a pristine vault hidden under a hotel where all of the inhabitants had turned themselves into Robobrains. The quest in there was brilliant as well, it was a murder mystery..with robots!
Yup, this is still a problem, and it happened to my crew last night. We were on our way back to Shark Bait Cove when another galleon started following us. When we stopped off to talk to Merrick that’s when the cannonballs started raining down. The worst part? The had the shark livery on their ship, which means they…