Yeah, my German Shepherd fears people. Call me when you get a picture of that.
Yeah, my German Shepherd fears people. Call me when you get a picture of that. dislike Starship Troopers but hold up Jurassic Park as an example of “movie that rivals or exceeds the book”?!? Did you even read Jurassic Park?
Nice flip-flop Marchman. Literally one day went by where you went back on what you said on Deadcast. You are the EDITOR IN CHIEF, correct? Or is that just a title Gawker Media lets you put on your business cards?
And with a renewed sense of selfworth, fanboy proudly walks on, glowing in the knowledge that this is the internet, and he is correct. Still butthurt but prideful, he can now face the day with the satisfaction of knowing his words have converted 2, maybe 3 other posters to his noble cause...the noble cause of…
Did you just stutter...while typing?
Where did I make a gay joke? you think “butthurt” is a gay joke?
And yet here you are responding
Since they were competing against them of manufacturing components for Sharp.
I’ll take that under advisement, chief.
As if we need another reason to dislike this team, now they have a sentient brandbot as their “leader”. I feel for Gurley.
Kinja! Now available as a homegame!
Chris Berman is the reason I watch the draft on my phone. I can’t even look at that corporate toad anymore without getting angry. Ribbit Ribbit you fat fuck.
And fun!
Still laughing at your butthurt, fanboy.
Well, you’re pretty quick to white knight for a company who clearly doesn’t need your help. And a bit butthurt too.
Bullshit. This kid should be out of the league. Only nepotism has kept him in a uniform.
Found the fanboy
Wrong. I’m 40, and I’ve loved ATHF from the jump. How’s that rewrite of Logan’s Run coming along?
+1 Clerk