It got more stars when I told the joke the first time!
It got more stars when I told the joke the first time!
Because they stole the joke from me!
As a newly certified Old I hate seeing other Olds fall down. But... this did not bother me in the least. Mitch just tripped over his own evil.
Love how Bristol Palin truly believes that she is above the shenanigans of a shitty reality show when her entire life to this point has been a distressingly orchestrated amalgamation of shitty reality shows and the glittered fuckery of early 21st century US politics. Only “god” indeed.
That photo of him smirking about whatever his daughter has just said while he somehow manages to make a hand clasp lascivious? It’s fucking gross.
Trump is a GOMSWWLTF (gross old man some women would like to fuck). It only takes one to lock his addled brain into believing he is desirable.
I really don’t want the Centrum vitamin company to attempt to make G-rated breakfast fantasy porn. Also: blackberries are a fraud.
Well he looks like a man who can’t decide if he wants to hug Kid Rock’s golf pants.
I am also SHOCKED to discover that these individuals would be students at a school located in the heart of the reddest county in one of the reddest states in the US. Shocked!
Unless laws have recently changed, child labor laws don’t apply to children who appear/perform on reality TV shows either.
Him have hands. Hims hands move. Hims hands could be bigger my hands. Me no like hims hands.
Roger Stone’s face and personality seem like caricatures of evil puppets in a Wes Anderson movie.
Until or unless they are willing to believe that relieving the suffering of others does not lead, inextricably, to an increase in their own misery, then we, as a species are fucked. They will continue to vote for “leaders” who exploit their belief in a zero sum game.
The Sonic near me only has a drive thru. It’s just plain stupid that they have engineered it so that you order at a speaker at the beginning of the line then drive past the window and nearby door to wait in a car line for an employee to exit the building and bring you your food. There is no place to park like in a 1950…
Their evil instincts led them to embrace the sinister history. So, both?
Can we get a What WHAT for Mel B.’s comment about feeling bad for Bradley Cooper’s girlfriend having to witness him sing with Gaga? What kind of middle school bullshit is that? Is Gaga going to “steal” Bradley? Is Mel tryna get Irina to fight Gaga after 6th period? Can we just not with this petty shit?
“it’s not like I can walk around with a swastika tattooed to my forehead and pretend I’m not an adamant fan of Hitler.”
I think Pecker might have something to do with this one. Follow the money WaPo, follow the money.
Was gonna say man bun, but ... maybe a man-baby bun?